Keto Thin Mint Cookies Recipe

If you are worried about missing out on those delicious Girl Scout Cookies – look no further! This Keto Thin Mint cookies  recipe is DELICIOUS!
I think its crazy that the Girl Scouts start selling their amazing cookies right when every once is making their new years resolutions and starting diets. I always felt like I was missing out, or that I had to buy a box or two to put in the freezer just so there were there just in case. But not any longer.  There are so many options for alternatives for your favorite Girl Scout Cookie and this is definitely a favorite!





Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Combine all ingredients except the last three ingredients in a bowl.

Stir to form a dough. Freeze your dough for about 5-10 minutes as it makes it much easier to roll out and cut. Once frozen roll out, cut dough into circles with a cookie cutter or small jar lid.  I found the shape of a champagne glass turned upside down was perfect.

Bake 7 minutes. As they cool they will firm up.

While you make the chocolate coating freeze the cookies so the chocolate will stick well. For the coating, add in come coconut oil and carefully melt the chocolate chips. The coconut oil makes the chocolate much smoother and easier to coat. Once melted stir in the peppermint extract. Dip cookies in chocolate and place on a parchment-lined plate, and freeze.

keto thin mint cookies

Can you freeze keto thin mint cookies?
I stored these in the freezer once done for the classic crispiness of Thin Mints!

keto thin mint cookies


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Keto Cheesy Bread

If you are like many others I know, you have jumped on the Keto diet bandwagon for your new years resolution. The Keto Diet has worked wonders for a lot of people, and can actually be an enjoyable way of eating. You have a lot more options when on the go, and for the most part you don’t feel like you are missing out on some of your favorites. Like for example, pizza or cheese/garlic bread -and this wonderful Keto cheesy bread recipe.

keto cheesy bread with marinara

When I did the whole low calorie diet, I would have to starve myself all day to just have 2 slices of pizza or garlic bread – but with Keto, there are so many alternatives to your favorites, you don’t even feel like you are on a ‘diet’. Its a new way of life!

The Keto cheesy bread is one of my favorites when you are craving some of your old favorites – it definitely hits the spot, and helps ease your cravings – and the best part? It’s not hard to make!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Yo Mama’s Marinara for dipping


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and prepare a lined baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Combine all of the ingredients together in a mixing bowl together until well incorporated.

  • Flatten out your mixture on the parchment paper shaped like a pizza crust.
  • Bake for 15 minutes, and then switch the oven to broil for a few minutes until the cheese is golden brownketo cheesy bread step 3
  • Slice and enjoy! You can also garnish it with a little bit of red pepper, parsley flakes or Italian seasoning.

    Can you freeze Keto Cheesy Bread?
    To be honest- I don’t know! We never have any left over. I’m sure that you could, but I don’t believe it’s going to taste as good as fresh.

    Looking for more Keto Friendly Recipes? Be sure to follow our Keto/Low Carb Recipes  on Pinterest!


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Cheesy Potato Casserole

This cheesy potato casserole is the perfect side dish for the holidays. You may have heard this particular recipe be called ‘funeral potatoes’, or ‘potluck potatoes’ but no matter what you call them, everyone agrees they are ridiculously delicious!


  • 1/3 cup butter, melted 
  • 2 cups sour cream 
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder 
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 
  • 24 ounces frozen diced hash browns (cubes, not shreds), thawed 


  • ½ cup butter (1 stick), melted 
  • 3 cups corn flakes, slightly crushed 

If you want more natural, organic ingredients (I know some of you don’t like cream of chicken soup in a can, etc) you can try these alternatives:

Organic butter

Organic sour cream (I would not recommend swapping the sour cream for Greek yogurt)

10 ounces of homemade cream of chicken soup concentrate instead of canned. Here is one recipe I like.

Organic onion powder

Organic cheese



Preheat the oven to 350F degrees. 

In a large mixing bowl, combine the 1/3 cup of melted butter, sour cream, cream of chicken soup, salt, and onion powder. Stir in the shredded cheddar cheese and thawed diced hash browns.

Pour the mixture into a 9×13 inch glass baking dish greased with non-stick cooking spray. 

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the ½ cup of melted butter and crushed corn flakes. Stir until the corn flakes are coated in the butter. Spoon the corn flake mixture over the casserole.

Cheesy Potato Casserole

Bake the casserole uncovered for 45 minutes until it is bubbly and golden brown around the edges. Cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Can I freeze Cheesy Potato Casserole?
Yes you can. Just don’t put the corn flakes on top before freezing.

Cheesy Potato Casserole Makes 12 servings 

 Prep time: 10 minutes 

Cook time: 45 minutes 

Be sure to check out more of our recipes!

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4 Tips For A Stress Free Renovation

Moving, renovations, major appliance breakdowns – anything that disrupts our home lives can cause a lot of stress. One way to avoid some of the strain? Plan with care. If you can maintain a little control over the situation, it can make a big difference in how you experience the situation, and renovations definitely give you enough lead time to make this happen.

If you’re headed into a major home renovation process, these 4 steps can help you and your loved ones navigate it without feeling like the walls are literally crumbling around you, even if the repairs mean they actually are.

Set A Budget

Renovations and repairs are stressful not just because they disrupt our daily routines, but because they’re expensive. That’s why, before you confirm any part of a home renovation, you need to set a firm budget for the project. Be clear about how much you can spend and which parts of the project are priorities. The fact is, even with careful planning, you may not be able to do everything you’d like to do. Based on your budget, then, you’ll also want to outline what needs to be done first and what can wait until later.

Pack Away 

If you are staying in your home during the renovation process, don’t make the conditions worse than they need to be. For example, once you’ve packed up the room that’s under construction, what will you do with the boxes? You could move them to another room and spend the next several weeks or months shuffling them around and having them in the way, or you could rent a storage unit for the length of the project. Your things will be kept safe, you can reclaim them whenever you’re ready, and you won’t be forced to live in clutter, which can cause higher rates of anxiety.

Have A Survival Plan

Back to that point about daily disruptions – one reason that people tend to get stressed, and that couples and families fight, during the renovation process, is that they failed to plan for alternative arrangements. Where will you cook? If you’re renovating your bathroom, where will everyone shower? Many people plan to stay with friends or relatives during the worst of the work, but that just introduces new people into the web of conflicts. Some people just need a few days at a hotel where they can settle into an alternative routine, take a long shower, and unwind before they can continue coping with the renovation process.

Focus On Communication

When plotting out a renovation, it’s easy to get caught up in all the technical elements, such as the design of the renovation, who will install the windows, or do the carpentry, and those details will influence your renovation. Good planning can prevent all kinds of crises that lead to conflict and stress. But the other factor that really influences renovation stress is communication styles.

If you’re navigating a renovation with your partner or family, sit down and talk about how you’ll handle conflict during this process. Acknowledge that you’ll probably butt heads at least occasionally and create a protocol for settling arguments over changes. You should be making as many decisions beforehand as possible, but if a conflict arises – or you’re just fighting about who took too long in the only available shower – you need to be ready to set it aside and keep moving forward.

Renovations are stressful, but they’re also temporary, so don’t let them rock your relationship. Plan the process carefully and create outlets for the stress of it all. The whole process will be done soon enough.




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Choosing Planters for Trees

Planters are a great way to add a touch of greenery to spaces otherwise limited on this feature. Trees add a much desired green flourish while creating a heightened landscaping appeal overall. When choosing the right tree pots, it may seem complicated. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice.

  1. Know if you intend to transplant

The most important thing in choosing tree pots is knowing if you are looking for a starting place or a final place. Many people use pots to start growing a tree in a more controlled environment and then when the tree is strong enough to prosper on its own outside the tree is transplanted. On the flip side, some people plant trees in a pot with no intention of transplanting them to the ground. If you know you won’t be transplanting to the ground, this can help you pick the right pot based on the sizing needs of the tree.


  1. Choose the right trees for pots

If you intend to use the planter method for trees, it is important to note that certain trees are better suited to pots than others. Some trees require more root depth, space, and time to reach their full potential. In fact, if you plant certain types of trees in a pot when it isn’t ideal, it can lead to the tree reaching a certain growth stage and then dying or showing signs of unhealthiness. When looking for a tree capable of flourishing in a pot, here are a few popular choices:

  • Flowering dogwood
  • Italian cypress
  • Japanese maple
  • Snowy Mespilus
  • Olive
  • Persian silk tree


  1. Consider pot size based on root depth

Aside from knowing if you plan on transplanting and the matter of choosing pot-friendly varieties, the planter size is crucial in choosing tree pots. When you choose the type of tree you intend to plant, you should always find out the root depth the tree typically grows at so you can choose a pot with enough room. This matter will make it easier to choose the right pot for the growing needs of the tree to narrow down the search.

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