Safe Driving Tips for Fall Weather

If you are like me, fall is one of your favorite times of year. Beautiful leaves changing color, pumpkin carvings, sweater and hoodie weather – Halloween and Thanksgiving. But when it comes to driving the change from summer to fall can be a bit challenging. It’s wetter – colder – leaves are everywhere – and it gets darker sooner (not to mention the sun going down just as rush hour hits!) So it’s a good idea to be prepared for the roads – so here’s a list of safe driving tips for fall weather.

                   This post is sponsored by Warsaw Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Wet and Slippery Roads

It usually rains a lot in the fall which can make it hard to see, and can cause your vehicle to hydroplane. Then of course if it gets cold, the ran can turn to frost which is a whole other ballgame. Make sure to be alert and give yourself enough space and time to stop and avoid breaking suddenly when possible. If its foggy, use low beams and maintain the proper distance between other vehicles.

Watch for Kids

School being back in session means more people out and about -traffic, school bus stops, people crossing the street, etc. Make sure you are following the proper speed lmits, and be aware of walkers at all times – and of course don’t forget Halloween walkers! 

Tire Issues – Loss of Pressure

The love/hate relationship with fall – the temp changes. One minute it’s cool, the next it’s hot. These changes can cause car tires to expand and contract – which will usually result in the loss of air pressure.Be sure to check your tires regularly to make sure that they are always properly inflated. You can usually find the proper air tire pressure for your tires in the owner’s manual.

Slick Streets

The fall view is beautiful, but piles of leaves on the road can cause issues. Soggy leaves can be slippery and can hide road hazards, like potholes and such. If you are driving where there are leaves on the road, be sure to proceed carefully.

Watch for Deer

There are a lot of safety tips for driving during deer season – be sure to pay attention since you are nearly 4x more likely to hit an animal in the fall than any other time of year. 

After a long, balmy summer, the shift to fall can feel like a nice break. Soak it up while staying alert to the driving challenges of the season.

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Safe Driving Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road During Deer Season

Well deer season is finally upon us, and unless you are an avid deer hunter, it’s not always good news. Your chances of hitting a deer are much higher during the fall months -so here’s a few safe driving tips to keep you safe on the road during deer season.

              This post is sponsored by Barkau Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM of Freeport

Be Extra Cautious During Dusk and Dawn

Deer are more active during sunrise and sunset – especially during mating season – which is usually between October and December. Make sure that all your passengers are wearing seat belts, no matter what. Keep your lights on, and keep your eye on the road.

Deer Crossing Signs are There for a Reason

Obviously you should stay alert and observe your surroundings whenever driving a vehicle, but you need to be extra wary for signs of wildlife. If you are driving down a country or back road , or even in neighborhoods where deer start to wander in search of food, it’s very important to keep an eye out. Deer Crossing Signs are there because of the high traffic area for deer, however you need to be cautious even when passing the area as nature is unpredictable.

Slow Down and Stay Alert if You Spot a Deer

Most deer travel in packs – so if you see one, there are others around. Slow down and be extra cautious. Even if you see the deer in a distance , remember the others could be closer to you or even across the street and they could dart across in front of you.

Don’t Swerve to Avoid a Deer

I know it feels like instinct to swerve, but by swerving you put yourself at risk for a worse collision like a head on with another vehicle or running off the road – try to stay in your lane and slow down as fast as possible; also? Hitting a deer is a comprehensive claim vs a collision claim with your insurance company, which for most means its a no-fault AND usually the deductibles are lower (if any deductible at all).

Speaking Of – get Comprehensive Insurance on Your Car

Comprehensive covers things other than a collision – so hitting an animal is covered under comprehensive coverage, and is surprisingly affordable to add on to about any vehicle. I recommend to all my clients that they carry comprehensive with a little or no deductible – besides covering hitting an animal, it also covers glass damage, hail damage, vandalism, theft, fire and flood.


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The Perfect Portable Meal on the Go

This is a sponsored post on behalf of FreeliFoods . Though I was compensated for my time, all opinions are my own.

As you know I am always on the look out for easy meals and snacks that the kids can have ‘on the go.’  And as easy as it is to grab a quick snack from the pantry or fridge – lets face it – it’s probably not very healthy , OR very filling.  The same with school lunches – who wants to eat a bologna sandwich everyday?

But what are Moms supposed to do?

We do our best to get creative with lunches –  and we literally rush home from work to pick up kids, to rush home and change, and rush about to practices or games. It’s never ending!

Not long ago I was introduced to a revolutionary brand called Freeli Foods, that makes a wholesome, yummy and budget friendly meal-in-a-pouch.

Freeli Food products aren’t your typical ‘pouch’ food. It’s not a puree like fruit pouches, or yogurt pouches – it’s a whole wholesome meal, that can easily be eaten on the go because of the portable pouch. Just pop the pouch in the microwave for about 45 seconds, and out the door you go!

It’s a great quick and easy meal to pack for lunches as well. I usually put them in for about 60 seconds when we are packing it, put it their lunch box, and it’s still warm at lunch time!

It’s also great for just on the go – we like to hike , and of course kids like to eat! I kept these pouches warmed up in a cooler, and it was a easy filling snack for the kids to eat. (and believe it or not, they can eat one and be full until its time for dinner!)

Freeli Food pouches come in 4 great flavors, Fiesta Bowl , Pasta & Meat Sauce, Mac ‘N Cheese, and Noodles with Chicken & Veggies! Find them at your local Kroger (in the refrigerated section) and be sure to check their website for $1 OFF Coupon!


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Exploring in Your Sex Life: How to Stay Smart and Safe

A lot of couples go through blah times in their sex lives, and wonder what they can do to make it more exciting.  People explore a lot of different varieties to bring the spice – but thanks to books and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey the BDSM experimenting is booming!

For some people the thought of being tied up, whipped, gagged, chained, flogged, and ‘forced’ to have sex is exciting. But for others they can be a bit hesitant on what BDSM really means and the protocols for such things; so in order for everyone to have fun, feel safe and comfortable, you need to set some ground rules.

The biggest part to getting started with BDSM, is communication. It is easy to get caught up in the moment during , but it’s very easy for people to take it too far and then someone gets emotionally or physically hurt. You can always talk to others in the community and make some BDSM contacts.

If you are a newbie, you want to do some research. Find some various types of play scenarios and actions and see if you’d be comfortable with them. Go through the list with your partner to see what turns you on, makes you feel safe, and the most important – a list of things you are TOTALLY not in to whatsoever.

You have boundaries in your regular day to day life, yes? It’s the same , if not more important, in your sex life. You must set – and know – your limits in BDSM. What type of play, hard limits/soft limits ,etc. (soft limits are where you are sure if you are comfortable, nothing is set in stone, and you may open up to it more after experiencing it – hard limits are an absolute 100% no no. Your partner should know both of these). It’s important that both people in the BDSM relationship have set limits and are communicating about them.

Safe words are just that, and means to STOP/HALT/DON’T GO ANY FURTHER – lights back on, cuffs or ropes removed, DONE. Both parties should have a safe word and no matter what is is the absolute FINAL SAY , I don’t care how the other party feels. a safe word is called SAFE for a reason.

Generally speaking BDSM isn’t a wham,bam, thank you ma’am type of evening. This is a marathon, not a race. You need to respect, and care about your partner and check in with them regularly. Maybe if you have music playing in the background, you check in every other song, or even set an alarm of some sort. Sometimes the other person may totally be DONE, but scared to say anything. If you check in, you can read your partners mood, and figure out if you can keep going or if you need to call it quits for the evening.

If you are totally into BDSM but haven’t met the right one yet, check out sites like – hey, you never know, you could meet your perfect match!



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3 Ingredient Dairy Free Smoothie

A few years ago, my daughter started noticing a correlation between stomach pains/nausea and her consumption of dairy products. Since then I always try to purchase dairy-free versions of her dairy favorites. That’s when I discovered Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almondmilk. Almond Breeze made it a lot easier for her to still eat some of her favorite foods, and she loves the flavor of their almondmilk. One thing she was really missing was her yogurt! She used to make smoothies daily, so she was replacing yogurt with ice, which just wasn’t the same. But last month her prayers were answered when I got an email introducing Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative!

Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative is a rich and creamy plant-based yogurt alternative that includes toppings made with Blue Diamond almonds.


They have Original/Vanilla flavored multi-serve tubs which are great for smoothies and baking! They also make single serve sizes that include sidecar toppings. Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative’s toppings come in a variety of flavors and have something for everyone.

Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative split cut toppings include:

  • Chocolate Flavored Almonds & Dark Chocolate Chips
  • Honey Roasted Almond Slices & Granola
  • Coconut Flavored Diced Almonds & Dark Chocolate Chips
  • Blueberry Flavored Almond Slices & Oat Clusters
  • Salted Caramel Flavored Almond Slices & Pretzels
  • Toasted Almond Slices

As I mentioned, the multi-serve tubs which are great cooking!  Our favorite recipe is pretty simple, and you only need 3 ingredients:

1 cup Almond Breeze Original almondmilk

2 cups frozen fruit (or fresh, but frozen makes the best in my opinion)

1/3 cup Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative in Original or Vanilla

Place all your ingredients into blender, and blend until smooth!

The best part about this smoothie besides that its simple, and dairy free? You can change it up, doing as many different fruity flavors as you want! We used a mango, banana, and strawberry frozen fruit mix fir this recipe.

You can also just add some berries such as strawberries and blueberries, even adding a frozen avocado is delicious!

We plan on coming up with some more delicious recipes (especially since we are heading into fall) such as my PUMPKIN SPICE YOGURT recipe that I’ll be featuring next week that is dairy free as well – so make sure you keep an eye out!

Almond Breeze Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative is now available regionally in the Northeast (including Cincinnati!) 


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