Get Debt Relief Advise from Grand Canyon Advisors

Credit card debt can not only ruin your financially, but have a very poor effect on your overall health – and even relationships. Sometimes it can feel like you will never get out from underneath of it, and I know it can be heavy. But don’t give up! There are ways that you can work on eliminating that debt and yes – become debt free!

The first step is to admit you have a problem – generally speaking most people in credit  card debt didn’t get there paying their rent and regular month to month bills (though it can happen on occasion, however) we overspend. We like it, we buy it. We YOLO our lives (that’s me, I’ve always been about the YOLO) so as much as you do need to live in the moment, you need to be smart, and think about the future. My Dad used to tell me, “Live like there is no tomorrow, but plan as if you’ll live forever.” Balance is key, and you can still enjoy life -but first, we need to get finances under control.

This is a hard hard thing for me. But if you realized how much money you ‘waste’ all while complaining that you have all this debt – you’ll understand why others are frustrated with you. Stopping for coffee, grabbing lunch, oh that shirt is on sale, oh I NEED those shoes. You would be surprised how quickly those ‘nickel and dime’ purchases you make add up! Did you know that the average American wastes approximately $1400 a month on non essentials?  Between coffee stops, lunches, subscriptions, etc, that is a lot of money to go towards paying off your debt!

As Dave Ramsey says, ‘snowball your debt‘Snowballing means you pay the smallest balance off first, and work your way up. What I love about the snowball effect is that you can SEE your debt disappearing. As you pay off 1 card, then another, you start to feel motivated to pay off the others.  When you pay off one card, you take the minimum payment you made on that and you add it to your minimum payment on the next lowest card, and so on and so forth. It’s very fulfilling to see the balances decrease, and cards be completely paid off! (don’t forget to close them once you pay them off – to avoid temptation!)

I dislike when I hear people say they don’t have time for another job – if that was the case, you probably didn’t have time to spend all the money you did either. You may not make a ton of money, but babysitting, Uber or Lyfting , house cleaning, selling stuff from around your house, ask your job for over time, check your local Facebook community groups for people needing assistance removing debris or a lawn care provider. If you set your mind to it, you CAN do it. The extra $40/$50 bucks won’t seem like much if you just blow it like normal, but if you take it and immediately pay it on debt, it will make a huge difference!

Most of us can cut back, or work more to get a head of our debt and work on becoming debt free- but there are some that are in soo deep that they need professional help to negotiate interest rates ,or payments or even collections. The advisors at Grand  Canyon can look at your individual case and help you determine what the best cause of action is for you.

Don’t delay! As much as you’d like to ignore it , debt doesn’t go anywhere unless you take care of it!

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Ways to Build Your Teenagers Self Esteem

Parents play a vital role in building up their kids’ self-esteem, sometimes without even realizing it. It may be through a simple compliment for a job well done, disciplining them for doing the wrong thing, or simply kissing them goodbye as they leave for school in the morning.

Unfortunately, we all have those days when we unknowingly tear down our kid’s esteem instead of being the wind under their wings.

However, self-esteem plays a key role in your teenager’s life. It affects their actions, thoughts, choices. Teenagers who grow up with a high level of self-esteem can make better decisions, and have the courage to try out new, different things.

Self-esteem can be the difference between a child who says no to peer pressure, actively participates in class, tries out for a sports team, or one who does nothing at all.

Parents play an especially vital role in a teenager’s esteem, and this is one of the best things a parent can gift their child. Listening, words of encouragement, recognizing accomplishments, and generously giving praise go a long way to raise your teen’s self-worth.

Confidence, Self Esteem, and Resilience

Confidence is the firm belief in what you are capable of. By being confident, you’re sure of your abilities and know that you will be successful in a particular situation or task.

While confidence is related to self-esteem, the two don’t always go together. Self-esteem makes you feel good about yourself and also makes you feel worthwhile.

Having high self-esteem, however, doesn’t always mean that you feel confident about yourself.

Resilience, on the other hand, is having the tenacity to bounce back or cope with difficult or stressful situations. When resilient kids learn that they can deal with anything that comes their way, their confidence is bettered.

How Parents Can Build Their Teens’ Self Esteem

Confidence gives teenagers the ability to make better, well-informed decisions. Teens who are brimming with confidence to avoid situations that they deem unfit, and aren’t afraid to say no because social acceptance becomes less of an issue

Confident teens are more assertive, enthusiastic, persistent and more positive.  For instance, confident kids deal with breakups better than less confident kids would. A confident girl will probably be upset, but will quickly realize that she can easily bounce back, or instead focus on other aspects of her life.

Less confident kids will blame themselves for the breakup, further affecting their self-esteem by making themselves feel like they aren’t worth dating.

Teenagers need your help to build self-esteem. Here’s how you can help build confidence and resilience in your child:

Let Them Explore Their Interests or Talents

Your kid is good at something. Whatever it may be, give them the opportunity to follow their passion, as crazy as it may seem to you.

As flippant as you may think them to be, your teenager’s interests can provide a safe outlet & maybe even opportunities for success. Sports is a common interest for girls and boys alike.

Just keep in mind that your child’s zeal for a particular sport may wane over time, be it lacrosse, ice hockey or baseball. “Hold off on buying top of the line baseball gear just yet, and look for youth baseball bats on clearance instead,” reads The Bat Nerd’s reviews.

So long as the hobby doesn’t interfere with other important responsibilities such as school work, support him wholeheartedly.

Parents shouldn’t just say no – Help your teen find ways to find their self-identity and build self-esteem.

Be Generous With Praise

Parents often praise their kids only when they accomplish great feats. While this is okay, kids need encouragement along the way too. Praise them often not only for their achievements or for doing the right thing, but for making the effort too, even when they don’t succeed.

That said, teenagers with low self-esteem may find it awkward if praised too much. Give the compliments sparingly so that it doesn’t sound dishonest because it may have the opposite effect by making them feel like you’re just saying it to make them feel good.

Celebrate the small victories as well, not just the big ones – Good test results, a project well done, anything. It doesn’t have to be a grand celebration as long as they know that you’re proud of them. Kids love to hear that they’ve made you proud, regardless of their age.

Additionally, saying things like “You must be very proud of yourself” helps them internalize their feelings of self-worth, and don’t need to seek validation from their peers or external sources.

Offer Constructive Criticism

It’s okay to criticize your teen when they’re wrong. However, be extremely careful that it does not berate them in any way or hurt their feelings.

In your criticism, praise the effort they put in and encourage them to keep trying.

Seek Your Youngster’s Opinion

Teenagers have lots of opinions. Seek their opinions on everyday decisions and put them into practice. What does he think about getting a new TV? Replacing the old couches with new ones? Teens live the feeling of responsibility and being treated like adults.

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Princess Leia Cupcakes

If you are a Star Wars fan like me, you are super excited about the upcoming movie, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – so in honor of all things Star Wars, for Halloween this year, we are making Princess Leia cupcakes that are almost too cute to eat!

These are great for any parties that you might be going to – (they are always a hit) and – bonus – they taste amazing too!

Makes 12 cupcakes


  • Cupcakes:
    • 2 1/2 cup flour
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 tsp baking soda
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp vinegar
    • 2 tsp vanilla
    • 1 cup water
  • 1 can of your favorite vanilla frosting
  • 3/4 cups marshmallow fondant or white modeling chocolate
  • Gold sprinkles 
  • Brown GEL food coloring
  • Black writing icing
  • Red writing icing
  • 24 OREO cookies
  • Wax paper (just to set your marshmallow fondant on)
  • Round decorating tip and bag
  • Small round cookie cutter
  • Rolling pin



  1. To make the cupcakes, preheat oven to 350-degrees.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl.
  3. Combine wet ingredients (including butter) in a second medium sized bowl.
  4. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in ⅓ increments, mixing thoroughly between each increment.
  5. Spoon into lined cupcake pan.
  6. Bake for 30-minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Cool cupcakes completely before decorating.
  8. Work 5-10 drops of brown GEL food coloring into marshmallow fondant. 
  9. Roll the beige marshmallow fondant out flat with a rolling pin or your hands.
  10. Using your round cookie cutter, cut 12 small circles to make Leia faces.
  11. Place Leia faces into refrigerator until you’re ready for them.
  12. With your largest decorating tip, press into the top of the cupcake off-center, creating a well. Save hole tops.
  13. Place 1 tablespoon of the gold sprinkles inside the well in the cupcake.
  14. Replace hole top on each cupcake.
  15. Place round tip in piping bag.
  16. Fill the piping bag with the white frosting.
  17. Frost each cupcake in a swirl, turning the piping bag as you pipe, leaving a flat place on top.
  18. Place a Leia face on the top of each cupcake.
  19. Place an OREO cookie on each side of each cupcake.
  20. Using the black writing icing, fill in the spaces between the OREO cookies and the Leia face, add a single drop for eyes on the Leia faces, fill-in the spaces between cookie halves where you can see the cream and draw in hair on top of the Leia faces.
  21. Using the red writing icing, make little lips on each Leia face.
  22. Serve!


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Celebrating Toy Story 4 Release on DVD with Happen’s Toy Lab !

Everyone in our family could not wait for Toy Story 4 to be released on DVD October 8th, 2019. We even got to celebrate by making our very own toys!!!! 

Happen’s Toy Lab is a one-of-a-kind, wacky laboratory where you can create your very own unique toy creation by using pieces and parts of old and broken toys donated by members of the community.

Happen’s Toy Lab is an outreach program of Happen, Inc. a Cincinnati based non-profit organization whose mission is to bring families together through shared creative experiences. Proceeds from the cost of Toy Lab visits, parties and special events help cover the cost of the programming that Happen offers at its studio and across the community. 

We got to check out some awesome Toy Story 4 merch including a magnetic Forky which is our FAVORITE! (check out all the awesome Forky toys– which would make great gifts for Christmas!) Buttons and stickers and of course we LOVE the movie posters! Can’t forget the super yummy treats! This is a perfect place for a super fun birthday party!!!

Everyone was inspired by the amazing Forky from Toy Story 4, now we can take “trash” and make it into a toy just like our favorite character!

It was a blast to pick out all these cool pieces that would normally go to waste in a junkyard, and turn it into an awesome unique toy!

You get to name your toy and give it super powers!!!!

The Lab staff does an AMAZING job of bringing your vision to life! Just like Forky came to life in our favorite movie Toy Story 4!

Once your new toy is finished they take a picture and put it in the toy gallery on their website that is viewed by other toy lovers all over the world!

Evelyn named her new toys Queen, who is the Master of Disguise and Snowman who can fly and has super strength.   Elijah named his new toy The Villain Tracker, it can track and capture villains as well as mow the lawn! 

Thank you Disney’s Toy Story 4 and Happen’s Toy Lab for such an amazing experience!  Don’t forget to buy Toy Story 4 available now on Digital, Blue-ray & 4K Ultra HD. Then book your next birthday party with Happen’s Toy Lab and create your own unique toy!



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Women in Business: Why its More Than About the Money

Most of us strive and hustle to be financially stable. To be able to provide for our families without worry – to have money for retirement, for college, to buy the things our kids want and need; to take a vacation now and then.

A lot of women invest not only themselves, but their time and money into building a business that they can call their own; their own blood, sweat and tears. A business that they can be proud of, to be just not ‘another employee’.

It can be a struggle to work long hours, day after day, week after week , year after year; missing your kids “donuts with Mom” for Mother’s Day, or being late to their soccer game because well, you have to make money right?

But for a lot of Moms, its more than just the money. Its the connection, its the giving and sharing with others that really make it all worth while.

For example, take successful business owner, Chrissy Weems. She started a small business with her daughter, selling lockets with charms. The business boomed, and within 4 years their little kiosk in the mall expanded to an online business worth over $250 million dollars! Can you even imagine?

The CEO and co-founder of Origami Owl, Chrissy Weems, graduated from the Arizona State University and became a stay at home Mom. She started her company in pursuit to help her daughter Bella to gain confidence, and the aspect that her daughter was entrepreneurial was a big contributor for Chrissy to help her to raise money to get her a car for her 16th birthday.

Bella had saved $350 from her babysitting jobs she was doing when she was 14 years old, and Chrissy matched by contributing $350. With a two year period to raise more money, Bella and Chrissy Weems partnered and started crafting the Origami Owl business that was producing a selection of memory lockets.

The Origami Owl brand had several opportunities to bring on investors and hand over the reigns and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. But Chrissy didn’t like the thought of their brand being just about the money – so she refused.

Origami Owl does a TON for their local community. They donate money to causes in their home state of Arizona like academic opportunities for children, children support, and even economic empowerment of women in developing nations.

All the staff at Origami Owl wants to make a difference – they have made they have created entrepreneurship opportunities for others. it’s not about getting rich; its about helping families afford to actually buy a house, to pay for the sports camp, or dance lessons, or another car payment. Origami Owl is for people like us. 

Besides loving a product, nothing makes me want to buy something more than having a company that stands behind what they believe in. Watch Chrissy’s story about the start of her business, and why its soo important to her to keep it close to home.


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