Athletes and Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolytes are the chemicals that cause formation of ions in human body fluids and help ensure that specific functions are optimized; low levels will cause cramps. If you’re an athlete, you will know how to appreciate electrolytes because cramping is nemesis for athletes. Read a thorough discussion of muscle cramps here.

Proper fuel for exercise is more than just calories and fluids; it also requires making sure that adequate electrolyte is consistent. Electrolyte needs vary more than hydration or caloric needs so experimenting on which fueling is more fitted to your needs under specific conditions.

Electrolytes are like motor oil in your car – it is not what you need to make the engine run but it is absolutely necessary for the engine to run smoothly. In the human body, proper functioning of the systems (the body’s motor engine) is dependent on electrolytes – adequate would mean smooth functioning, low and high levels would mean otherwise.

Muscle cramps are usually caused by improper electrolyte levels. It is your body’s way of warning you that you need to replenish it to maintain a good level. But of course these cramps are far from depletion yet but it is painful, so to avoid such conditions, one has to ensure that you maintain a balance.

Why is it important?

Ions in the body fluids carry the energy that is necessary in most of the functions of the human body. These functions include nerve impulse transmissions and muscle contractions. Most of the bodily functions are dependent on these chemicals.

Many athletes forget or neglect this need for electrolytes in the body, often this is remembered when cramping happens. But good athletes always make it a point to maintain the needed balance in the body because sustaining the balance is not just to avoid cramping but to make sure that the body is performing its best and will not suffer breakdowns in the long run – just like a car engine. When this is neglected, depletion of electrolytes could happen and that would need more “repair” rather than just replenishing when the level goes low, which is an easy thing to do.

Salt Tablets

Taking in salt tablets is not an acceptable way of gaining back normal electrolyte levels.

  • Salt tablets provide only sodium and chloride; it is not complete.
  • These tablets can cause oversupply of sodium and which will result to an overworked sodium-regulating mechanism in the body.

Many athletes experienced swollen feet and hands from water retention due to them having ingested salt tablets or other products known to replenish electrolytes but have high sodium content or causes an increase in sodium level. Read more about salt tablets in sites like

High Sodium and Its Consequences

It is common knowledge that high sodium diet is bad for the health of a human body. When a person has a high sodium diet, he also has greater loss of the same and will also require greater intake of which when exercising. Sodium makes you thirsty. When thirsty, one drinks a lot until excess results; it becomes a deterrent to performance.

Sweat Loss

Athletes sweat a lot and most of the time the notion is to replace what they have lost in sweat. However, it is not as simple as that. Some products in the market just simply replace what has been lost over sweat. But actually, this is not okay because different individuals have different sweat-loss and the body does not efficiently replace what has been lost above just a walking pace. It takes time to do that so when electrolytes are lost, it is not immediately replaced by the body in the same content.

The body replaces only a part of what it loses during an activity where sweat is lost drastically, such as an exercise. Fluids, electrolytes, and calories are not immediately replaced. If you would try to replenish all the fluids at one time, it can result to dilutional hyponatremia and you can be intoxicated with water. It will create gastric problems such as distress, muscle spasms, edema, and cramping.

Energy Drinks

Most athletes depend on energy drinks to replenish what has been lost. However, the kind of energy drink an athlete ingests is also important in proper hydration. Most energy drinks are added with sugar because it allows for faster absorption. But the kind of sugar it has also matters – fructose does not help absorb the fluids so it is a waste of money when you buy energy drinks with fructose as sweeteners. Another reason why you should be drinking sugar free sports drinks is that sugar is only necessary to make it pleasant to the palate, but is actually not necessary in the objective of rehydration. Plain water can help rehydrate, energy drinks are for replenishing the electrolytes lost, but sugar only helps fast absorption. If you have a sugar-related health condition, you will just be uselessly affecting your sugar levels.


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BOOK REVIEW: The Legend of Mr. Ween

I have to admit I was a bit nervous when I was offered the chance to read the Legend of Mr. Ween – a short Halloween Story. I’m usually not one for scary – or blood and guts, and such so when I read ‘Halloween’ story that is automatically where my mind went; but I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading that it’s got more of a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson feel. More magic and good vs evil, than what I was expecting.

The story begins back in 1905, with a young man named Hal who is adventuring into a new city to find employment. We notice something different about Hal from the get go, but you will learn eventually why – Hal is very observant and when he starts to interact with people in the city he starts to notice they are all acting very strange – familiarly strange.

A ‘magic’ elixir has been being sold in town, with promises of strength and energy and speed , but seems to come with some very dark and scary side effects. Something Hal has seen before – and doesn’t want to see again.

Hal manages to get a job being a farm hand to a old Doctor who had also noticed the strange behavior of the townspeople. . and begins to run some experiments, but Hal is afraid he’ll be too late. Hal begs the Doctor to help him do something , and they come up with a plan – but does it work??

Read it for FREE,  for a limited time here:

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Keto Pizza Rolls

The hardest part about the Keto diet can be missing out on some of your favorite ‘treats’. Pizza of any type is my kryptonite  – so when I need to satisfy that craving, there are a ton of options for those following a Keto diet. One of my favorites is these amazing keto pizza rolls!



  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Line a cookie sheet with a baking mat or parchment paper.  Lay sliced cheese on baking mat and place in the oven for 6 minutes or until cheese slices start to slightly brown around the edges.  Remove from the oven.
  • While the slices are cooling sprinkle Italian seasoning and add pepperoni if you would like.

  • Serve with the Keto Pizza Sauce
  • Enjoy! 

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Online Dating: Is it Right for You?

If you ask your parents and grandparents advice on finding the love of your life, most of them will come back with things such as, “get out there and meet new people”, or “join a club or go to the gym”, “come to church I have a nice girl I want you to meet’, or “go out and have a few drinks, you never know who you might meet.” But meeting people in person is not as easy as it used to be – especially considering the average person works more hours than ever before.

Most of our single friends and co-workers are on online dating apps. They have a plethora of men or women at their fingertips. Shoot, you can even narrow it down by their age, education, and body size. It’s like online shopping, except for the perfect mate. But is it right for YOU? 

Dating online is a whole new experience – sometimes its like looking at a resume before hiring someone. You have a general idea about the person (or at least what they want you to know) and you can decide if it’s worth your time to talk to them.

But if you think about it, if you meet someone through a friend or family, you don’t really know much about them except what they’ve told your friend or your family. Sure they can tell you what they look like (and at least you don’t have to worry about a photo being super edited, or 20 years old), but it can still be a mystery. You are kind of thrown into a date before really knowing it you’ll hit it off -but with online dating, at least you can get an idea if you vibe or not.

Do You Have Trouble Meeting New People?
For some, its hard to meet new people. Maybe you are like me, a bit reserved and maybe too shy to introduce yourself. Maybe you are just used to hanging out with the same people, at the same places. Maybe people don’t approach you. As we get older its even harder – working all the time, maybe you have kids that keep you super busy and have lots of responsibilities. Online dating can help.

Don’t Have a Lot of Free Time?
A lot of us are crazy busy people – we take the kids to school, go to work, run errands, run to doctors appointments ,go to the gym, take care of pets, do all the housework, run kids to sports or other activities, visit your parents or other family, and half the time we are lucky if we make it home to eat a late dinner and fall asleep catching up on our shows. How are you supposed to meet people then?

At least with online dating you can get match suggestions emailed to you, and  then decide if they are even worth typing a text ‘hello’; if you get to that point, then you can talk and get to know each other throughout your week, like calling or messaging during lunch, while waiting for your daughter to finish soccer, or while doing laundry. You can ‘date’ and get to know people before wasting any precious time.

Do You Know Someone Whose Gotten Lucky?
Did you know that now more than 20% of relationships, and 17% of marriages begin online? Most likely you know someone or know  someone that knows someone who has found a date, a boyfriend/girlfriend, or even a husband/wife online! You can definitely ask them about their experiences and get tips if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Most of my friends – and some family – have met their significant other online. They all say it was nice to get to know someone before going out with them, and when they met it was not uncomfortable since they had been talking for so long. It was as if they had known each other for ever. This helps a lot if you are nervous or anxious when meeting new people; so online really could be the way for you.

Have You Already Tried Everything Else?
Maybe you went out with your co-workers brother, your Aunt gave you the number to her banker, your Mom set you up with the nice guy at church, or your sister had someone she just ‘knew’ you’d hit it off with . If you’ve tried it, been open to all of that – then you might as well give online dating a try.

There are a ton of free dating sites so you don’t even have to commit – just give it a try!


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Nutter Butter Sheep

Makes 10
Ingredients List:

• 10 nutter butter cookies
• 1 cup white melting chocolates
• 1 cup black melting chocolates
• 1⁄2 tsp coconut oil
• candy eyes
• tiny white round edible beads (nonpareils)
Additional items:
• ramekins and pan for double boiler set up
• piping cones
• chocolate dipping wand or fork
• wire cooling rack
• parchment paper

• Set up double boiler with shallow pan and ramekins for each color chocolate. Fill with water till half way up side of ramekins *careful not to get water inside them as it will seize the chocolate. Turn heat to medium low.
• Add chocolates and smidge of coconut oil to each, stirring to combine as they melt.
• Using wand or fork, dip nutter butter cookies in black chocolate until thoroughly coated. Hover above dish as chocolate drips off. Set on wire rack to harden.

• Using parchment paper as a base for the white wool, place a cookie on the paper and sketch the sheep wool with a pencil. Fill a piping bag with white melted chocolate and cut a small hole at the end to help make some swirls and texture. Fill in your sketch and top with tiny white edible beads. Put in refrigerator to harden.

• To create the ears, tear a strip of parchment paper. Pour black melted chocolate into piping bag, work quickly to create the ears or use a spoon to create the shapes. *make extra and put in refrigerator to harden.
• Add eyes by dipping a toothpick into the black chocolate and placing a dot on the cows where the eyes will be, quickly place candy eyes.

• Attach the ears by dabbing toothpick in black chocolate and use as a glue.
• Attach head to wool by adding white chocolate to the back of the head and placing in the center of the wool.
• Set to dry and harden.
• Store in airtight container.

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