Ocean Naturals Premium Tuna Citrus Spinach Salad



  I’ve talked about it before coming up with fresh, quick and healthy dinners for my family is always a challenge. I am constantly looking for ways to incorporate the freshest, healthiest foods into my families meals.

Recently I found out about Ocean Naturals Tuna – not only is it good, it’s good for you, and good for the planet.  They hand select only the best catch, and clearly list the species of the fish on each package, and uses only ingredients you can recognize (and pronounce!) In fact, by using the code on the can you can find out where your specific tuna came from by visiting their site.

 After trying the Skipjack Tuna (which has 90mg of Omega 3 fatty acids and 15g of protein per serving) I decided to try out a few recipes to see what I could put on the rotating dinner list. Our favorite so far is definitely the Tuna Citrus Spinach Salad.

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Tuna Citrus Spinach Salad #OceanNaturals #cbias #shop

The salad is quick, easy and delicious. I decided to try it out on my daughter who isn’t the biggest tuna fan – unless it’s covered in mayo! She absolutely loves it and even asked for more. It was a huge success!

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Another one of our favorites, are tuna tacos!
#OceanNaturals #cbias #shop

Also be sure to check out Ocean Naturals Facebook page on Tuesday’s for their “Tuna Tuesday Facebook Giveaway” for your chance to win free product!



This entry was posted in Fitness Friday, Fitness/Health, Recipes. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Ocean Naturals Premium Tuna Citrus Spinach Salad

  1. irishred13 says:

    That looks very yummy! Thanks for sharing!

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