Iced Mocha Coffee Recipe & Mr. Coffee® Brewer /Millstone® Coffee Giveaway

I am a member of the #CollectiveBias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias, Millstone® Coffee, and Mr. Coffee®.

I have a confession to make – I haven’t always been a coffee drinker. In fact up until about a year ago the only thing I liked about coffee was that it could warm my hands when it was cold outside. But somewhere along the line – I think it was my sister- got me addicted to frappes, then iced coffee, and now I even drink it warm. In fact, it’s become a regular obsession to get my iced coffee on the way to work so I feel that I can face the day. It’s like an I.V. of caffeine that I need to survive, especially since I have quit drinking Coke, but boy can it get expensive.


At $3 a day, not to mention the 300 plus calories (yikes) got me thinking I may need to start cutting back – or maybe trying to make my own. I first consulted who I consider to be the coffee-guru, my Dad. He said that Mr. Coffee is the best coffee maker , so I knew I needed to heed his advice. I headed to Walmart to pick up the  Mr. Coffee®Optimal Brew Thermal Coffee Maker (yes, I am one of those that didn’t own one at all!) and some Millstone® flavored coffee and other ingredients I needed for my attempts at making a low calorie iced mocha.


You can find Millstone® Coffee in the coffee section (near the bread – at least at our store) in the grocery isle. The Mr. Coffee® brewer is in the home/kitchen section, next to plates and all that jazz for the kitchen. Very easy to find!

walmart collage

I decided to enjoy a warm french vanilla cup of coffee (with plenty of cream) while I was trying to come up with the perfect iced mocha. As I was looking around, I noticed how obsessed I’ve become with coffee decor.  I think the kitchen feels like a little cafe , and I love it!


So after many, many attempts I think I finally found a recipe that takes the cake. The combination of the drip coffee maker and the flavored coffee along with the other low cal ingredients definitely gave my regular iced mocha a run for it’s money. Not only is it saving me at least $50 a month, but it’s also giving me an extra 200+ calories to ‘spend’ elsewhere during the day. This is my #CoffeeJourney from coffee out – to coffee at home!

Low Calorie Iced Mocha Coffee

Low Calorie Iced Mocha ; approx 74 calories, 1.7 g fat, 13.2 g carbohydrates, 9.3 g sugar, 1.0 g protein, 1.0 g fiber, 106 mg sodium,
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 glass


  • 1/2 cup Millstone Coffee
  • 1/2 cup Almond milk or substitute with coconut or fat free milk
  • 1 tbsp chocolate syrup
  • 1 cup crushed ice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract *Optional
  • 1/4 cup low fat whipped topping *Optional


  • Mix coffee, almond milk, and syrup and vanilla extract in glass. Store, covered, in fridge until ready to drink. Add crushed ice cubes and enjoy! ( I always like to add low fat whipped topping and chocolate syrup to the top!)

If you want to start enjoying your own iced (or warm) coffee at home and you definitely need to check out the Mr. Coffee®Optimal Brew Thermal Coffee Maker & Millstone® coffee (I love the Hazelnut cream) at Walmart.
In fact, we LOVE Mr. Coffee® /Millstone® Coffee so much, we are going to give away a Optimal Brew Thermal Coffee Maker & 2 bags of coffee for you to great your own #CoffeeJourneys


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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55 Responses to Iced Mocha Coffee Recipe & Mr. Coffee® Brewer /Millstone® Coffee Giveaway

  1. Lynne says:

    Hmm. Well, like lots of moms out there, coffee is a necessity. My current coffeemaker does not have the feature that lets you get a cup before the brew cycle is complete. Some mornings, you just can’t wait for that whole pot to be done…….I like many different kinds of coffee, including Millstone. There are so many wonderful coffees out there, I really feel like I want to try all of them!

  2. Jessie C. says:

    I like kona blend coffee. Hot or iced with soy milk.

  3. Brandy Spencer says:

    I NEED my coffee in the morning and LOTS of it! With 3 girls and a hubby to have out the door by 8 this momma needs to have her energy up. I will pretty much drink coffee any way you hand it to me, except black! In the winter months I like it piping hot with a generous dollop of heavy whipping cream and a touch of vanilla added for flavor, peppermint extract at Christmas. In the summer I fill a glass with ice and pour a 50/50 mix of coffee and whole milk plus a little vanilla and a couple spoons of sugar just to sweeten a bit. Now I am off to make another pot of coffee to get me through the evening!

  4. That iced mocha sounds delicious! I would definitely like to try that!

  5. Debbie Denny says:

    Coffee, the best thing around. Love the recipe.

  6. aimee fauci says:

    I like coffee that has vanilla and as far as hot or cold… depends on the season.

  7. My favorite coffee drink is an Iced White Mocha! My favorite drink, especially now that it’s starting to warm up quite a bit.

  8. I will occasionally have an iced coffee drink. otherwise, I’m not a coffee drinker, but my husband is.

  9. Jenn says:

    I love hot hazelnut coffee. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. What a great giveaway! I wish I was a coffee drinker:(

  11. I love coffee! Nothing smells or tastes better then a freshly brewed pot!

  12. Millstone Coffee is delicious! I love french vanilla!

  13. Melissa says:

    Lately, I’ve been drinking a lot of Folgers Vanilla Biscotti Coffee… the smell and the taste are amazing.

  14. This post is making my current cup of coffee look pretty boring.

  15. sippycupmom says:

    YUM! I love an iced coffee, it keeps me going!

  16. keikilanij says:

    I am obsessed with iced coffee! It is my favorite drink during the summer.

  17. Julie Wood says:

    My favorite coffee drink is very hot coffee with Coffeemate Hazelnut creamer! I have to have coffee every day. My favorite Hot coffee place is called Dutch Brothers. They have the best Lattes, and I love the Caramel Frapp at Starbucks! So delicious!

  18. Henrietta says:

    I love coffee – hot or col — if i don’ t have my coffee than I am a bear 🙂 My favorite flavored coffee is Wild Mountain Blueberry, Mmm!

  19. Christie says:

    I love your low calorie recipe. And thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Rosey says:

    We love Millstone, and your dad’s spot-on about the coffee maker brand. 🙂
    I’m all entered, thanks for hosting.

  21. That looks so delicious! Mochachino is the only coffee I drink. I need to try it iced also!

  22. Chrysa says:

    Oh, yummy! I love the beautiful design you made in the foam!

  23. Shell says:

    My husband would love this drink. I’ll have to try to make it!

  24. Leah says:

    I like hot, dark roast coffee served black.

  25. I’m not a coffee drinker but it looks like something my mom would love.

  26. Amanda H. says:

    Iced Mochas are my favorite! I’d love to start making these at home instead of spending so much $$ at the coffee shop.

  27. Pauline C. says:

    I don’t know why I don’t drink anything that contains coffee while my mom loves COFFEE a lot!! She would definitely love this.

  28. I only drink iced coffee! What a great giveaway!

  29. Elena says:

    I like hot black coffee without sugar. My favorite is Kona blend

  30. Dawn Monroe says:

    I’m old school coffee. I like regular Maxwell House with creamer and sugar. I’ve tried the iced but I just can’t get into it but my older kids love it.

  31. shelly peterson says:

    oh I like my coffee so may ways, hot with vanilla creamer, salted caramel granita’s and caramel mocha iced coffee.

  32. I prefer my coffee iced. I think my favorite is with a shot of caramel.

  33. Ashley M says:

    I was never a coffee drinker until my daughter started school and now it’s the only thing that pulls me out of bed in the morning.

  34. Autumn says:

    Your iced mocha coffee recipe sounds so delicious! It really is more cost-effective (and convenient!) to make coffee at home. Thanks for sharing your recipe so that we can try it 🙂

  35. I’ve only been drinking coffee for about a year too. I never cared for it. Iced coffee…yumm!

  36. Chasing Joy says:

    I’m like yoy not a coffee drinker but enjoy iced coffee.

  37. Wendy Mastin says:

    I like a medium roast coffee with a flavored creamer and a little sugar

  38. Coffee is a really popular mother’s day gift item. I am sure this giveaway will be well recieved

  39. Jamie Herda says:

    I love basic old black coffee. No frills. My hubby likes to add all sorts of stuff to his, honey, milk, you name it!

  40. Rebecca Parsons says:

    My favorite flavor of coffee is french vanilla. I prefer my coffee hot but have had it on ice on a few occasions.

  41. Amber Conaway says:

    OK here ya go you ready??? lol winter is pretty simple, either my bold coffee at home with sugar free creamer or a cafe mocha just about anywhere. but summer I actually prefer Dunkin Donuts (and a few other places) Iced latte with mocha no sugar no whip and sometimes made with skim lol

  42. My teenie bopper really likes iced coffee, I am going to have to try this out for her

  43. i love my iced coffee in hot weather. and anything mocha makes me smile!

  44. Kathy R. says:

    My current obsession is Island Coconut, YUM!! Love it hot! Need to try it iced yet!

  45. Sherrie C. says:

    I don’t really go for flavored coffee. I’m pretty basic. I prefer my coffee hot and strong with a splash of sugar-free Italian Sweet Creamer. As far as coffee recipes go, I don’t really have any to share. Wish I did though 🙂


  46. Kathy O'Dell says:

    Seriously, the best coffee flavor is chocolate-raspberry – pure heaven!

  47. Barbara Montag says:

    I love Turtle Sundae flavor – oh yum!
    I also started drinking iced coffee & liking it.
    thank you

  48. sheila ressel says:

    I like all kinds of coffee but tend to drink vanilla or hazelnut most often. I drink it hot every morning but like iced coffee in the afternoons for a pick-me-up sometimes. I’m planning on trying your recipe for making it myself at home.

  49. Sandra VanHoey says:

    I like hot coffee with french vanilla and sweet n low in it.

  50. Deborah says:

    Not much of a coffee connoseur here (heck I can’t even spell the word haha), but as long as it has caffeine I’m sure I’ll like it. 🙂 I drink my coffee black.

  51. Nicole Brady says:

    I like my coffee sweet. Almost any flavored liquid creamer is a win but I lean toward Hazelnut. I make coffee in the mornings and drink it through the day. Although given the choice, I would have it blended with ice all day long every day!

  52. Becky J. says:

    Vanilla Latte

  53. amanda whiltey says:

    i prefer hot coffee and i love hazelnut. i drink it black.

  54. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    I love hazelnut iced coffee

  55. Thomas Murphy says:

    I like hot french vanilla coffee.

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