I can tell you one thing that I’m never too old for: the circus. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey ® GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH is coming to Cincinnati again, and this is one show that we never miss!
Last year we decided to incorporate my daughter’s birthday with our circus visit. The kids had a blast! She said she’d love to do this every year as a family tradition, and I couldn’t agree more.
Circus performers from across the globe create the perfect blend of athleticism and bravery, where power meets fearlessness and amazement has no bounds. Magnificent elephants, ferocious tigers, astonishing acrobats and awe-inspiring aerialists are engineered into one spectacular performance.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey ® Presents Built To Amaze!℠
will be in Cincinnati March 12th thru March 16th, 2014
U.S. Bank Arena
Wed | March 12 | 7:00PM |
Thu | March 13 | 7:00PM |
Fri | March 14 | 7:00PM |
Sat | March 15 | 11:00AM, 3:00PM, 7:00PM |
Sun | March 16 | 11:00AM, 3:00PM, 7:00PM |
Purchase your tickets here
***Opening Night tickets are just $12 – No code needed! Family 4-pack offer $99 includes 4 tickets, popcorn, marshmallow pops and lemonades***Want to win some Opening Night Tickets for your family? Enter below!
Want more chances to win?? Head on over to my friend Angela’s blog Parenting in Northern Kentucky , Erin over at A Bird and a Bean & Gina over at Raising2Tweens AND Amy over at In A Galaxy for even MORE chances to win!
my son and my husband!
My two little ones and my hubs!!!
I would take my daughters.
taking my husband!
My daughter has never been, and for my little sisters. I may be having my baby around those times so my parents could take her and my sisters while they have her.
My kids
I would love to take my son to the Ringling Brothers Circus
I would take my daughter and my niece
We took our son last year to the circus for the first time.
And he loved it! I am glad we brought our “ear muffs” that we use at the gun range because it did get too loud for him at times. But he loved the lights and music, and all the clowns and animals of course!
The Greatest Show on Earth is coming to Cincinnati: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey ® Presents Built To Amaze!℠ I CANNOT wait to go again this year! We are going opening night I think.
I will take my 2 boys, my infant daughter and my husband!
I would love to win for my niece and nephew
My little ones want to go so badly… I hope their parents take them since this is local to us.
Definitely my kids and their daddy
My children they love the show