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Before you break out the summer wardrobe and swimwear this season, make sure you follow these easy steps to prep your legs for summer. You will have a healthy glow in no time and will definitely be ready to wear your short shorts (or bathing suit) with confidence!
Drink plenty of water
Making sure to drink lots of water is always important. It boosts your energy, health and appearance. The absolute best, natural detoxifier, water flushes impurities out of your system while moisturizing skin from the inside out. Have an extra glass or two during warmer weather in order to stay hydrated and look flawless.
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Vitamins A, C and E all act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties, so they will keep your skin looking full, bright and tight. Have a leafy, green salad with citrus at lunch for a delicious, skin-nourishing boost.
Smooth out your skin
Nothing says summertime more than soft, smooth, touchable legs. Upgrade your razor for a close shave that may not need daily maintenance, or for even less daily maintenance. Check out Schick Xtreme3 Razor scented with Hawaiian Tropic (nothing will make you more in the mood for a nice day at the beach or pool, then Hawaiian Tropic scents!) Make sure that you use a good shaving cream, such as Skintimate Moisturizing shave gel – I love the Mandarin Burst, I plan to use it all year long to remind me of summer even in the snowy, wintry months.
Make sure to exercise regularly to get your body and your skin ready for summer. Exercise increases circulation, which will add to your summertime glow. Also, a good sweat is a great detoxifier and will work impurities out of your system.
Slather on the sunscreen
Protect your skin by wearing sunscreen every day and apply often. Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 15 (at least) and that protects against UVA and UVB rays. I always use a SPF of 30 (especially on my face), and always use Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance sunscreen. It protects and softens, leaving my legs summerized and ready to bare my legs!
Get a massage
It has never been a better time to focus on relaxation. Not only will a massage improve your mental health, but it also tightens your skin and helps to hide any pesky, confidence-shaking dimples.
Be prepared for after sun care
If you accidentally miss a spot with your sunscreen or get too much sun exposure, then it helps to take an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen, to help reduce your body’s painful reaction to the sun. Take anti-inflammatories for the first 24 hours after sun exposure. Also, have a cooling lotion or aloe readily available to help keep the affected area moisturized, speed healing and offer a little relief.
Find the shaving, moisturizer, and beauty products at Walmart in the health & beauty isles! Walmart has all you need to Prep, Shave & Protect!
Watch for your next issue of All You it will have tips for Summer Legs and coupons !
Be sure to check out the great #SummerizeYourLegs tips atWalmart.com and don’t forget to enter to win a Summerize Prize Pack – and print your free coupon- while your there!
My legs need to get summerized! I’ve been looking forward to summer since last summer!
Great reminder for summer, especially with all the vacations. I always remember the sunscreen, but didn’t really think about upping my fruit and veggie intake. Thanks for the tips.
Skintimate is the best! I just used it the entire time I was in Puerto Rico for super smooth and soft legs!
I love the smell of that shaving cream. I really need to remember to use sunscreen after I shave
Probably could use some help with my legs this summer. gotta have sunscreen
I think some of these tips are common sense but who thinks about it until someone else mentions it lol. Loved the article can’t wait to try some of these tips out.
I always shave with skintimate! I love how it keeps my legs moisturized.
I love getting ready for the summer! Luckily I had laser hair removal so I don’t need to shave very often, but we go through razors so fast with my teenager daughter!
Sunscreen is SO important with all the skin cancer diagnosis’s that have popped up. Hawaiian Tropic is one of the best in my opinion.
I need to summerize my legs. I’ve always stuck with Hawaiian Tropics and Skintimate, great products, and they smell so good.
you can never have enough sunscreen.We always drink a lot of water everyday.
My legs are in a permanent winter state. I warn people that looking at my legs could blind them!
I love Skintimate shave gel. It’s been my favorite for YEARS.
I love skintimate shave gel. I’ve been using it for years! It’s awesome. Can’t wait for shorts weather to come!
I’ve noticed that I feel so much better when I drink plenty of water. I need some shaving cream.
Skintimate smells so good! I love shaving with it not only because of the smell, but because how soft it leaves my skin after shaving!
I love Skintimate products. Now I want to try that Hawaiian Tropic. I enjoy sunscreens that dont stink, arent sticky, and wont stain my clothes.
Great tips for healthy skin! I’m a major fan of skintimate products.
I haven’t used Skintimate in so long. I just use regular ol’ soap. Maybe it’s time I try it again! I used to love it.
I’ll have to try Skintimate since I spend the entire summer in shorts or dresses!
Getting my legs prepped this week for our first summer vacay next week in Texas! I’ll definitely check out Skintimate.
I definitely need to summerize my legs. I live close to the beach and I plan on taking advantage of this this summer.
I know I need to use shaving cream AND lotion now to stay moisturized… not one or the other. Great tips!
This is great! I can wait to summerize my legs. Thanks for sharing this.
I definitely need to summerize mine! They are so not ready!
Such great advice! It’s so important to stay hydrated over the summer!
I love using Hawaiian Tropic during the summer months! Great products for my family
These are great tips for summerizing your legs. I have definitely been trying to drink more water — our heat index has been 100 for the last few days. Yikes! #client
Great tips! I especially love the massage. I think we often forget how much stress we put on our legs so this is a necessity. Thanks for the tips!