Simple Ways to Transform Your Garden into a Winter Wonderland

We realize that you’ve only just taken down the Halloween decorations, and we hate to be the ones to break it to you, but Christmas is just around the corner. Soon we’ll be donning our gay apparel and building snowmen in the backyard. Whilst the holiday season is a time for fun, family and good will, if you’re a busy working mom, that good will can sometimes feel as if it’s in short supply.

Photo Courtesy of Joshua Davis

Well, this blog post is here to help take you back to a time when Christmas was actually fun. When we’re children, the holiday season is the most magical time of year. Then as we get older, we have more to think about and more to organize. So for many people, the magic just kind of disappears. Well, we think that it’s time to put the magic back into Christmas. So we’re going to help set free your inner child, by showing you how to transform your backyard into your own private winter wonderland.


Get Stuck In

The old expression ‘many hands make light work’ is especially applicable here. If you have children, get them involved. Start by giving the backyard a quick clear up. Remove any weeds and anything that isn’t going to fit in with your holiday theme. If there’s any repair work that needs doing, this is as good a time as any to get it done. Get in touch with a specialist company such as Patio Living to replace any rotten decking and cracked patio areas. But once the garden is tidy and in good condition, then the real fun can start!


Take their Lead

What better way is there to recapture some of that childhood Christmas spirit, than by taking the lead of your own children? If you have very young children, then you can take care of all the fiddly work. But when it comes to the actual decorating part, let the children lead you. Start by making your own snowflakes out of biodegradable paper. Use a thick sewing needle to pierce a hole at the top of each one, as this will enable you to hang them from the trees and plants in your backyard. You could also put candles into painted jars and hang them from fence posts, to reflect a magical glow all around the garden.


Next, no winter wonderland would be complete without some outdoor fairy lights, so arrange these either along the back of the house or drape them over a tree in the yard. Finish off your winter wonderland with some fake snow to really give it that ‘Christmassy’ feel.

outside-lightsPhoto Courtesy of Ewan Murno

Family Time

Our tips are very simple, and the decorating can be completed in less than 24 hours. The key thing is to let go, get creative, and most importantly have fun with your family. Because after all isn’t family what Christmas is all about?


If you struggle to feel ‘Christmassy’ this year, don’t despair. Just follow our tips, and before you know it, you’ll be full of Christmas cheer in less time than it takes you to hang up your stocking. All that’s left for us to say is “Merry Christmas!”


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