“Tis the season – The time of year we all start getting the Christmas “Wish List” from our kids, and we start seeing our bank accounts dwindle. As I look over my kids list, I start thinking about how lucky we are. We may not live in the best house or drive the nicest cars, or have money to go on fancy vacations; But as I see families struggle to buy groceries, pay the rent, and counting out pennies for their children’s school lunch, I really start to feel even more blessed.
Every year for the past 5 years we have sponsored a family at Christmas. I have never seen my kids so excited to GIVE something away, especially if it was on their own list! It gives us all a great feeling being able to give to others that are in a tight spot, or not quite as fortunate as us.
This year, due to unforseen financial situations, were not able to sponsor an entire family. But that won’t stop us – we are sponsoring a child and we want to make it great for them!. .. And since we aren’t able to sponsor more then one, we’ve decided to help YOU “Pay it Forward”!
We are sponsoring an iPad Nano Giveaway – the lucky winner will be able to PAY IT FORWARD to someone they think deserves it! But even if your not a winner, there are many ways you can PAY IT FORWARD this Christmas season:
Be attentive wherever you are for opportunities to help someone. Perhaps you have an elderly or disabled neighbor who is too proud to ask for help with their yard work or maybe you’re in a restaurant and see someone who looks like they could use some kind stranger to pay for their meal. You can change people’s attitudes about the world through your unobtrusive acts of kindness
Do something nice for someone you don’t know (or don’t know very well). It should be something significant, and not for a person from whom you expect a good deed — or anything at all, for that matter — in return.
Spread the word. If the person thanks you and wants to “repay” you (that is, pay it “back”), let them know that what you’d really like is for them to pay it “forward” — you’d like them to do something nice for three people they don’t know, and ask those three people to do something nice for three more people. The idea is to consciously increase the goodness of the world
Pay it forward. When you notice that somebody has done something nice for you, make a note in your mind to practice three acts of kindness towards other people, as described in Step 3.
I would seriously give it to me! I don’t have an ipod,yet….hubby and daughter to, but not me.
Thank you for the opportunity.
To Me. Ha ha. I don’t have an iPod!
I’d give it to my daughter most likely….unless husband decided to take it like he does most things
Maybe myself? Maybe my daughter. Probably my daughter.
I’d like to get it for the kids – such a great gift
I would give it to my brother. He listens to music all day and he would love it!
Oh, totally my daughter. She is turning 7 and is already obsessed with music.
My son would love this!! <3
My son would love this!! <3 He's really big into music, and Im currently preggos with my second and my hubbys on disability, so this would be a perfect Xmas gift for him <3
great giveaway!
I don’t have an ipod so me!
Thank you! Love your post it has been a really tough year for me but I still am blessed and know people worse off then me. I might keep this since my is broke but if my granddaughter ask for it she knows she would get it.
I have given Ipods as gifts before. I think I will keep this as I can use it on my walks.
I think my grandson is old enough to have this – he will be 11 in March
My 14 year old son because he really wants one.
I’d give it to my husband. He needs one for his job now
I would give it to my neighbor’s boy. They are divorced and last year his Dad didn’t spend the holidays with him at all. I know this year it would cheer him up a little to get this
I would give it to my hubby…he needs one when mowing the lawn!
I’d keep it. All these years my kids have gotten cool electronics…. I think it’s time I deserve one.
I’d probably give it to my little brother!
I LOVE Paying it forward! Once a month or so I try to buy some random stranger breakfast or coffee!
I would give it to my mom. She’s been wanting an iPod/MP3 player for awhile for when she takes her walks but she always finds that the iTouch or Classic is too complicated, but I think the Nano would be perfect for her.
It would be perfect because my son is asking for an ipod for Christmas so he would get it!
I have always wanted something to put music so yes I would keep it for me
I think this would make a great gift for my nieces for xmas
i think i would give this to my little sister because i know she would appreciate it
Thank you, I would give it to my daughter
It would go to my husband
Id give it to my boyfriend so I can introduce him to good music! lol
Awesome ! Would love to win
thank you for a chance
i am the one 1 person who has never owned an ipod
I would give this to my mom. Because she lost her ipod, and she would just love to have a replacement
I would gift this to my niece because she loves music!
I would love to give this iPod to my husband. He deserves a new music player that he can use at work.
I would give this to my 12 year old son who want a ipod for Christmas
I would gift it to my son. He loves music!
I would share the Ipod with my daughter
We already share everything else lol
i would want to keep it.. I’ve never even seen one up close…unless i just cant figure it out,then I’d give it to my daughter lol
i would love to win
I think I would give it to my dad. He’s battling cancer for the second time and sometimes gets very depressed. My mom says that the only thing that helps him with that is listening to music. He’s a little too old/simple for some of the big complicated mp3 players but I think he could really get some enjoyment from a Nano. I would pre load it with some of his favorites and give it to him for Christmas.
I would love to win this for my family. We are poor this year.
To my niece, her parents recently got divorced and she could use some cheering up.