Improvements to Boost Your Home Value

Improvements to boost your home’s value

We all want to make the most of the homes we live in, maximizing space and character.  But making sure we also add value to our home at the same time can sometimes be more complicated.  Every home improvement job costs money to do, so how do you know if it’s money well spent?

Read on for some improvement ideas that will add value and space to your home.

Think about an extension

Yes, of course, this sounds obvious.  But what sort of extension should you go for?  Well that will depend on the type of property you own.  Just adding a square extension onto a characterful house will look out of place.  You might not have lots of space to extend outwards, so this may not be practical.

So, what else can you do?  Well, you could consider converting the spaces you already have but don’t really use.  Garages, lofts or attics, and cellars or basements are prime spaces that we can utilize.

How do you decide which might work best?  Well, one idea is to have a look what your neighbors have done, this will give you an idea of what will work.  Another factor will be how much work it will take to prepare and complete each job.  For example, the cost of adding light and damp-proofing a basement may be more than the value you can add.  Whereas the comparative cost of loft conversion or garage conversion may be much smaller yet add as much value.

Make the most of what you have

What if you can’t extend or can’t afford to carry out the work required?  Then you’ll need to make the most of the space you already have.

There’s still a lot you can do to make the most of your space and add value to your home.  It may be that you can add another bathroom into your home without the need for an extension.  Or perhaps add some built-in storage, which is especially useful in a family home.

As well as adding features into your home, you can try to give your home a more spacious feel with a few simple tricks.  Decluttering is the first thing to try.  Less clutter will always make rooms feel bigger.  Good organization and keeping things tidy are other ways to improve the space you have.  Shelves and hallways bursting with belongings only make homes feel too small.  For example, think about storing coats and hats away during warmer seasons, freeing up space in your entrance.

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Winter Driving Safety Tips

Though fall just got here – winter weather is on the way – and that comes with its own set of challenges. From snow and ice, to below zero temperatures, it can really affect your daily commute. Icy and snowy roads mean increased accidents, and dangers. Be sure to stay safe on the road with these winter car driving safety tips.

                     This post is sponsored by Gary Miller Chrysler Dodge Jeep

“Winterize” Your Car Emergency Kit

You should already have an emergency kit in your car, but with winter comes a whole new set of items that you need to add. Things like a snow shovel, brush, warning flares, reflective triangles, kitty litter or sand for traction, extra clothes, cloves, coats, hand warmers, hats, and warm blankets are just some of the things you should add. Also make sure your other items are up to date, like first aid essentials, non-perishable food items, (like energy bars, granola, nuts, etc) and of course water. Put all this in a container or backpack and keep it in your truck.

Check Your Tires

When the temperature drops so does the pressure on your tires. When driving, your tires are your main concern – so you want to make sure that they are inflated properly and often (check it at least once a month!) Make sure to check your vehicle’s correct tire pressure on the tag on your drivers side door, or the owners manual. You also want to do the “penny test” – to see if you need new tires or not. Just hold the penny between your thumb and forefinger so that Lincoln’s head is showing; place the top pointing down onto the grooves of the tire tread – if any part of his head is covered by the tread, you should be good. If you can see his entire head – you might need to replace your tires.

Be Extra Careful on Icy Roads

As you know, icy roads will take a bit longer to actually stop on. So you want to make sure you keep a bigger distance between your car and other vehicles on the road when its snowy and icy out. Having a bigger distance between you may give you enough time to respond to the harsh roads and weather hazards; be sure that you are gently accelerating, and braking to keep traction. If your wheels begin to spin, release the accelerator until the traction returns. If you are skidding, let up on the gas and steer in the direction you want your car to go. Do NOT hit the gas or break until you have control of your car again – and stay calm! 


Obviously the biggest tip is to BE CAREFUL – we never really know that winter weather hazards can bring, but keeping these tips in mind will help you at least be somewhat prepared for what winter might blow our way! 


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How to Determine the Best Skip Bin Size

Probably the most important decision when ordering a skip bin rental is determining which size you’ll need. There are a multitude of selections ranging from as small as mini to as large as 12 cubic meters. The indication is that each cubic meter is comparable to the volume of a standard trailer bed.


Some people find the size a complex decision and, of course, you don’t want to spend more than is necessary. But it’s wise to have a general idea of the amount of waste you’re going to have overall and book a bin that’s larger than those exact needs. 


The reason to do this is that you cannot overfill the waste container. Any excess will be left behind for you to either contend with or order another service to finish cleaning up the leftover debris. It’s ultimately much more budget-friendly to hire a more substantial bin than you require instead of ending up having to book a second time to clean up the remaining debris. You never know, you might find a use for the extra space when you go bigger. Follow for advice on hiring the right service for your needs. 


How Do You Know Which Skip Bins Are Suited For Your Needs?


More people are finding advantages to using skip bin services not only due to the cost savings, but because the waste management method is convenient and environmentally friendly. 


The popularity has been steadily growing due to the fact that you can eliminate a lot of waste in one load if you’re a business owner, and for households, they’re ideal for maintenance of gardens, whole-house cleaning, remodels, or simply decluttering an overcrowded space. 


Based on the degree of labor that you intend to perform and how much waste you’ll need to remove will determine the size skip bin necessary to contain it all. Some of the most common bins used are listed below:


** The Marrel


These are used for both commercial and residential purposes. It is among the most commonly used in the skip bin line with sizing ranging from 2 to 17 cubic meters. The sides are typically higher, but the length is shorter than other container options. 


The box can generally fit into an area approximately spaced for a car, but when the service professionals deliver these to you, you should always anticipate clearance area for a truck hauling the bin with no hazards and plenty of space for staff to work. 


** The Hook-Lift


A Hook-lift is so noted because of the way it’s loaded on the truck that delivers the item. There is a substantial hydraulic hook located on the back of the delivery truck that “grabs” the bin and will “roll” it either on or off the back. 


These containers are sized from “4m3” upwards of “30m3”. It offers a rectangular body with doors that open at the rear for occasions where a bobcat might be required to access the container.


While hook-lifts are available for large residential projects such as auctioned estates, these are primarily used for commercial or industrial materials.


** The Mobile


A mobile container is used in situations where the location is a challenge such as within a garage, underneath a carport, or in underground parking garages for a commercial location. These can also be used on council’s property without a permit because it is road registered with the only cost being your hire fee for the bin. 


The mobile comes with a lid that locks so no one can add waste to your rented container. The term “mobile” is relevant for this piece because these offer a convenience unlike any of the other units as they can be moved to your work area for loading instead of needing to carry your waste to the skip. These restrict the waste to light green, building materials like dry timber, and general waste.


There is no allowance for heavy materials like concrete, bricks, rubble, soil, or anything of these types of consistency. The units come in either 3 or 4 cubic meters, but the weight is limited for safer hauling.


** Bags


Some skip services offer bags as an alternative to the containers. These are a convenient, affordable option if you want to benefit from the services but are on a restrictive budget. The same type of things you can put inside a container can go into a bag. 


The sizes offered are 1, 2, and 3m3. The bags themselves are exceptionally lightweight, offer no restraints as far as time, and create no type of damage or staining to walkways, concrete, or driveway areas. The bags are particularly useful in a small, confined space.


Type of Waste You’re Disposing


It might not seem critical to most residents as far as the type of rubbish you’re ridding your home or business of, but the Australian government has very strict regulations on handling and reducing waste that need to be followed.

For the most part, residents can usually select between a mix or general bin which works for the household rubbish or green waste, but commercially for items like concrete, bricks, soil, or other types of heavy building supplies, you would use a mixed-waste container. While there are a wide range of types you can choose from, it’s best to speak with someone and let them know what you have for a more educated decision. Hazardous materials will likely not be taken in a skip bin.

Final Thought


  1. When you decide to search for a skip bin service websites like for your waste needs, make sure that you order a bin a size larger than you anticipate you’ll need. You might not want to spend more than what is necessary, but in the end, you’ll appreciate the space and what will actually be a cost savings. 


In most situations, whether it be a house deep clean or a remodel or even garden maintenance, people tend to do more than what they originally plan. You will likely fill up the additional space in the larger size with the potential to have a little rubbish still remaining. 


You don’t ever want to shortchange yourself and have to pay twice for services because you underestimated. The rule in any equation is to always round up.

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Before You Buy: A Simple Guide to Sugar Glider Care

Did you know that pets can make us happier and healthier? If you want to adopt a sugar glider, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over sugar glider care and how to keep them healthy.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Sugar Gliders Are Social Animals

Adult sugar gliders are social animals, and in the natural habitat, live with up to 15 other sugar gliders.

If you want to get a sugar glider, consider adopting a pair. Sugar gliders tend to bond with a group and do well with other animals and children in a family.

A sugar glider will tend to pick a favorite person out of the family. The favorite tends to be the person that handles them the most.

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

Provide a diet that’s 75 percent fruits and vegetables and the remaining protein. Sugar gliders prefer sweeter veggies and fruits. Add a few treats to their diet.

You can feed them avocados, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, apples, and cherries. Give them mangoes, oranges, papaya, grapefruit, and grapes.

Make sure you don’t ever give them a peach pit because these are toxic. If you have leftover pineapple slices or pears, give them to your sugar glider.

Feed your sugar glider lean cuts of chicken and turkey. Make sure the meat doesn’t have added sauce or spice. You could also provide them with yogurt, cottage cheese, or even hard-boiled eggs.

For treats, consider giving them earthworms, mealworms, or crickets. Live insects are higher in fat, so don’t give them too many.

Don’t give them the insects you find from outside. These insects could have gotten contaminated with pesticides.

Sugar gliders can be picky eaters. Your pet might not get all the nutrients they need. Add supplements to their diet like a calcium supplement or reptile multivitamin.

Provide constant fresh water to your sugar glider. The sugar gliders get water intake from their food.

Some sugar glider owners will feed their pets once at night and once at night.

You’ll get to know your sugar glider and see their preference. If they are hungry again in the morning or night, give them a small amount of food.

What About Their Habitat?

You’ll want to choose a sugar glider cage that’s tall. Provide them with plenty of space to climb. Get a cage that has metal bars or wire mesh. You don’t want your tiny glider to slip through.

Keep their cage in a spot that’s not too busy or loud during the day. This way, your sugar glider will get a good sleep.

Don’t place them below a spot with direct sunlight. Yet, make sure they are in a room that will lighten and darken. Try to keep the cage between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sugar gliders like to eat their food up high. Consider getting a food dish that will stick to the side of your cage.

The sugar glider will need a spot to nest and sleep during the day. You can get a wooden birdhouse or a cloth pouch. Place bedding at the base of the cage to absorb droppings and urine.

Buy commercial bedding from the pet store or use shredded paper or wood shavings. Whatever you pick up needs to be non-toxic.

Pick up an Exercise Wheel

Sugar gliders like toys. Give your pet ladders, chew toys, and bells. Add branches so your pet can climb on them. Replace the branches often if they get soiled.

A popular toy is the exercise wheel. Don’t pick up a hamster wheel from your local pet shop because they are too small.

The center axle is actually dangerous for the sugar glider. Your sugar glider’s tail could get wrapped up in the center axle.

Look for an exercise wheel that has gotten designed for sugar gliders, so the sugar glider can run and leap. Use a cage attachment so you can mount the wheel higher in the cage.

Common Health Issues

You might think a pet like a sugar glider doesn’t need to go to the vet for checkups. Yet, there are tons of medical issues that a sugar glider can face.

Your sugar glider needs a calcium-rich diet. Otherwise, they will show signs of lameness or paralysis. If you worry your sugar glider isn’t getting enough calcium, add calcium supplements.

To avoid constipation or diarrhea, make sure the sugar glider has enough roughage. Otherwise, you’ll see hard dry stools or a distended stomach.

If your sugar glider eats too many citrus fruits or feels stressed, they will have diarrhea. A sugar glider could become dehydrated and die.

Watch out for common injuries like torn claws, broken bones, and open wounds. Look out for parasites. A sugar glider can get parasites like fleas, mites, hookworm, lice, and more.

Ask your vet for treatment options if you think your sugar glider has a parasite.

Stress from a dirty cage, poor diet, boredom, or loneliness can be fatal for your sugar glider. Watch out for excessive eating or sleeping, or a loss of appetite. Learn more about how to get rid of sugar glider odors.

Now You Have a Guide to Sugar Glider Care

We hope this guide on sugar gliders was helpful. Make sure you provide a clean and fun environment for your pet.

Watch out for signs of illness or stress. Use these sugar glider care tips to keep your pet healthy.

Browse our other helpful resources on pets, animals, and more.

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5 Small Animals Worth Considering as Family Pets

Family pets are great additions to the family and can even bring the family together. 

If you have limited space, smaller pets might be your best option. Smaller pets also may require less maintenance than larger pets. To save you time, here are five small animals that could make great family pets!

1. Pygmy Hedgehogs 

Pygmy hedgehogs are a cute companion, and they can make fantastic small pets. They look like a regular hedgehog, but much smaller. 

Pygmy hedgehogs are often compared to hamsters because they also enjoy running on exercise wheels. Their general lifespan is about 3-5 years.

Keep in mind that pygmy hedgehogs are also nocturnal, which is something to consider if you don’t want activity at night. 

2. Turtles 

Turtles are one of the easiest pets to take care of and small in stature. They can’t outrun you and fit well in most homes. They need an aquarium tank or something similar, with a few rocks to perch upon. 

They don’t need much exercise, just to be fed and kept healthy.

However, they do require a commitment. They can live for several decades

3. Chinchillas 

chinchilla can serve as a great family pet. Native to South America, these cute rodents are generally about a foot-long.

If you want an affectionate animal, chinchillas can be a great option. They love to cuddle and be held. Chinchillas are also nocturnal, so this is another factor you may want to consider. 

With proper care, they can live about a decade. 

4. Miniature Pigs 

Miniature pigs are growing in popularity for a reason. Not only are they cute, but they’re also highly intelligent animals. Like a dog, they can be house trained and can learn the sound of their name. 

For the happiest miniature pigs, they’re best in pairs. 

They also have a long lifespan of around 18-20 years. 

5. Leopard Geckos 

If you’re into reptiles, look no further than the leopard gecko. They typically grow to about 10 inches in length and are native to the desert. Because of that, you’ll want to make sure their tank has plenty of light. Leopard geckos usually need 12 hours of visible light in a dry and warm environment.

They’re distinct from other geckos because they’re one of the only geckos to have outer ears and eyelids. They also don’t have sticky hands, so they can’t climb around easily like other geckos. 

Like miniature pigs, leopard geckos can live for about 20 years with proper care, and they’re also nocturnal.  

Ready to Buy One of These Cute Family Pets?

All these small animals would make wonderful family pets. Because the maintenance requirements may differ between the animals, consider an animal that best fits your family lifestyle and preferences. 

Before purchasing anything, it’s always a good idea to do research and talk to other people knowledgeable about the animal. 

So, why not explore some of those options today? 

And if you want to read more about topics related to family life, be sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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