I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for TCF Bank. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
This April, in recognition of National Financial Literacy Month, TCF Bank, a Minnesota-based, national bank, wants you to consider your financial habits, and has created a fun quiz that lets you find your financial animal.
Money seems to be a root problem in many relationships; Many of us go into a marriage not knowing anything about our partners financial state, let alone their mindset when it comes to money. Some of us save like were retiring tomorrow, and others don’t give a thought about tomorrow. When it comes to financial smarts, it goes beyond piggy banks and balancing checkbooks. It’s understanding the difference between “needs” and “wants” and how to pay for them; and specifics we all might not think about on a daily basis: How could my credit score today affect my opportunities over the next few years? And what can I do about it?
In honor of National Literacy Month, TCF Bank is offering services to make it easier for everyone to increase their financial literacy. TCF Bank’s Financial Literacy Resource Center uses videos, animations, gaming, and social networking to inform users of complex financial notions with simple, straightforward information. You can get started today by taking their quiz to reveal what kind of Financial Animal you are. Visit TCF Bank Financial Animal Quiz and find out if you are as financially savvy as you think. My financial animal is the coyote:
I’m a Coyote. I’m a crafty scavenger, always on the hunt for a bargain. My ideal day is spent digging in the couch cushions for spare change, clipping coupons and scouring the web for promo codes. It can be a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it for the sense of accomplishment I feel after scoring a killer deal.
Take the quiz, what is your financial animal?
Tell me what would you like to change about your financial outlook?
I am also a Coyote. I am always looking for a deal and constantly doing what I call creative financing.
I’m a Coyote. I’m a crafty scavenger, always on the hunt for a bargain. My ideal day is spent digging in the couch cushions for spare change, clipping coupons and scouring the web for promo codes. It can be a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it for the sense of accomplishment I feel after scoring a killer deal. To learn more about how you can take control of your financial IQ, visit the TCF Bank Financial Learning Center at tcfbank.com/learning and register to take our interactive financial literacy program.
I’d like to control the impulse spending, especially when it comes to my child. He doesn’t seem to ask for much, at least not expensive things, but they sure seem to add up at the end of the month.
Or going out to eat.
I’d like our outlook to be that we have the bills covered, money for fun, and starting to save for the future.
I am also a Coyote! Love a deal!
I never buy anything that’s not on sale!! Although I can get caught up in sales and end up going over budget,… lol or my emotinal shopping! sheesh I need help lol