Not Just Your “Basic Invite”

Recently I have been on the look out for great deals on some invitations (and business cards) for some upcoming events. This coming year is big for me – my oldest graduates high school, my middle daughter will be 16, and I will be turning the big 4-o! So a lot of great (yet scary) changes are coming, and I like to commemorate each one of them.

A lot of companies promise great deals, but a lot of those deals are at the expensive of the invitation. (Let’s just say I’ve received some where I could have done a better job between my printer and my Cricut!) So I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email about Basic Invite: Truly Custom Invitations and I will say, color me impressed.

Basic Invite is not your typical run of the mill print and ship company – they put their heart and soul into your invitations, thank you cards, custom Christmas cards, and even business cards and stationary.

Here’s just a few of the ways Basic Invite differs from other companies:

Nearly Unlimited Colors.
Basic Invite is one of the few that allow customers an almost unlimited color option with their instant previews online. Once you select a design you can change the color on each element of the card to over 180 different color options so you can make sure the card is exactly what you want, down to the smallest detail. This is one of the biggest features that sets Basic Invite apart from the rest.

Custom Samples.
Another great perk of Basic Invite is that they will send you a sample of your invitation so you can see and feel exactly what you are getting – before you even place your order! Check out how well it prints, along with the paper quality before you place your final order.

Envelope Options. 
Customers can choose from over 40 different colors of envelopes so you can make your invitations stand out! What is also great is that all the envelopes are peel and seal!

Address Capturing Service. 
Basic Invite offers a address capturing service; where you share a link on your social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) to request your friends & family’s addresses , and it’s stored in your account and can be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at NO COST on all card orders. 

Even if you don’t have a big event coming up, you can take a look at all the amazing options for their printed holiday cards and Christmas party invitation templates – The holidays are right around the corner, and it’s never too early to get your photos ready for your Christmas cards and holiday party invites!

I already have a few in mind, and I’ve already started going through our summer pictures to see what photos I want to use for our cards.

So go check out your options, and don’t forget Basic Invite is offering 15% OFF your entire order with coupon code: 15FF51

Posted in Crafts/DIY, Deals, Holidays | Leave a comment

How to Increase Your Soundcloud Plays



You must have heard it said that it is very easy to be a musician today. The cost of production is way lower than it used to be and it is also a lot easier to promote your music and become a star. While all of these are true, it only tells just one part of the story.

Yes, the cost of music production a lot lower than it was. This is because owning a studio that can deliver professional level music is now within the budget of most folks. The same can also be said about promoting the music.

Now here’s the other part of the story. Since the cost of production is way lower than it previously was and the means and cost of marketing the music is also way lower, almost everyone with any kind of talent is producing and marketing their songs.

To put things in perspective, it has been estimated that about 1,000 songs are uploaded to various music streaming and distribution sites by various musicians each hour. This means that about 24,000 songs are uploaded each day. In a month that will be about 720,000 and it goes on. You can read about it here.

With this amount of songs being put out each day, a new challenge is now faced by upcoming musicians. There is an oversaturation of the space which makes it more difficult for one person to stand out from the crowd. This means that you need to put some serious effort into getting your song to stand out from the rest.

Thankfully, there are a number of platforms from which you can launch your musical career if you understand how to go about it. In this article, we will be choosing just one of these platforms as our focus. We are talking about SoundCloud.

Why You Should Choose SoundCloud

This platform offers you unique opportunities that can make it easier for you to grow your musical career. First, SoundCloud has entered into licensing agreements with Warner Brothers and Universal Music. This increases the chances of your music being seen by any of these two power houses.

Secondly, there are about 76 million active users on the platform with about 175 million user-activity monthly.

SoundCloud also offers more networking opportunities than other music hosting and streaming sites. You can share content, others can share your content, you can comment on other people’s posts, they can comment on yours and you can collaborate with other artists on the platform.

It’s basically like a market place for musicians and music lovers. Best of all, people can listen to your music without paying which encourages a lot more people to come on board. Remember that is not necessarily a platform for directly monetizing your work but for building a base and popularity that will ultimately lead to monetizing opportunities.

You can read all about the unique opportunities that SoundCloud offers here:

It All Comes Down to Plays

The main reason for having your song on SoundCloud and for looking for more followers is to have more people listen to your song. SoundCloud shows under every track the number of times it has been played, liked and reposted.

There is a tendency to want to play a track that shows a high amount of plays, likes and reposts more than one that has none. We are wired to believe that the reason why the track with higher stats has those stats must be because it offers something more than others.

This therefore means that it is not just enough for you to have a lot of followers on the platform. You also need to get them to play your songs so your stats can motivate others to play and follow you.

How to Get More Plays

What therefore is the best way to go about getting more plays of your songs on SoundCloud? There are a couple of ways to go about achieving this and we will presently look at a couple.

Make Your Profile and Song Description Magnetic

Your profile image and description can affect how easily people will click to see what you have to offer. The same goes for your song description. Put some effort into this.

Using an Attractive Music Artwork

Just as with your song description and profile, the image you use as your song’s artwork is very important.

Having a Great Song

This is clearly stating the very obvious. If your song is not great no one who listens to it will share it. You need people to listen and be excited to share it.

Sharing Your Work Across Different Social Media

Share a link to your song on your different social media platforms. This will increase your chances of having the song played.

Paying for Plays

After doing all of the above, you can complement your efforts by paying to get SoundCloud plays. You can decide how many plays you want based on your budget.


By combining marketing efforts across different platforms, you increase your chances of making it big. All you need is to have the right amount of followers who love your work or a big name or company that hears you and decides that you have something to offer.

Strategy is important here. This is why you should combine paid services with your organic efforts.

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What’s Wrong With My Car? Identifying Noises and What They Mean

Car trouble always seem to just come out of the blue – everything will have been in perfect working order, then BAM out of no where , trouble. The best bet is to listen closely to where the noise is coming from so it can help you determine the next best step. There could be a big difference between preventative measures or a costly repair bill. Here are some common car sounds and tips on what to do about them.

             This post is sponsored by Zeigler Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Grandville.

Noises Under the Hood.
If you hear a screeching sound that seems to have a continuous pattern coming from your hood – it’s most likely a loose or worn serpentine belt.

A serpentine belt drives several vital pieces of equipment to your car – such as your alternator, water pump, power steering, AC, compressor, and radiator fan. Make an appointment to have it looked at – your mechanic should be able to tell you how serious it is, and when it might need replaced. You want to get it replaced before it just gives out; its better to plan for these situations, then break down and have an emergency.

Noises Under the Car.
If you have a chugging or rattling noise from under the car – it’s probably your exhaust system.

A damaged exhaust can be pretty noisy, and all the sounds could mean something different. A chugging sound could mean there’s a blockage in the exhaust; a rattling could mean an alignment issue. A hissing could mean a crack in the exhaust. You definitely need to take your vehicle in for an exhaust system check so your mechanic can let you know if it’s something urgent that needs fixed right away, or something you can live with for awhile.

Noises from Your Brakes.
A squeak or loud grind when you push on the brakes – worn out brake pads.

The grinding sounds are probably the calipers grinding against the rotors – you need to get your car to the shop asap. If its just a light squeak, you should probably be OK to schedule your appointment out a bit – however , you want to get it taken care of still because it will only get worse, and your brakes are a very important safety concern.

Noises from Your Tires.
If you hear a thud from your tires – it’s most likely low air pressure or improper tire alignment.

First off check the air pressure –  make sure that your tires are inflated to the recommended levels from the manufacturer. IF that doesn’t work, then most likely you need to get an alignment. Improper alignment can wear out your tires faster, and also results in poor gas mileage or a really bumpy ride.

Other Noises.
Clunking noises: If it happens while you are driving it could be a bad shock absorber which can cause issues with steering or even when you brake. Get those checked out right away.

Loud Clicking Noises.
IF you hear a click while you are turning it’s probably the CV join which lubes the front axles. When it wears out, it loses the grease that keeps the axle lubed; so its best to get the CV joint replaced rather than waiting until you need a costly axle replacement.

Ticking Noises.
You will hear this probably while you are stopped, or when your vehicle is running hot. IF you do hear this, you are low on oil. As you know you do not want to that to get low, it can effect your engine. So make sure to either add oil or get it changed as soon as possible.

Paying attention to noises or changes to your car and taking necessary steps can help you avoid facing a more costly repair in the future. Find a mechanic you can trust so you can make sure that you keep your car properly maintained.


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What to Do in the Case of a Car Accident

Working in insurance I get calls daily from upset, scared clients who were just involved in an accident; and nearly every single one of them have no idea what to do. Everyone should be prepared and know what to do in case of an accident – and here’s a list of exactly what you need to know.

              This post is sponsored by Cars on Market.

Always Have Your Insurance Card with You.
Not only will the police officer ask for your proof of insurance (and trust me, if you don’t have it with you it makes the whole accident process even more stressful) but you will need to exchange information with the other party. Most of the time the at-fault party will want to provide the non-fault party with their insurance info to turn in the claim to their insurance company, but this will vary depending on state.

Use Your Cell Phone.
First off, having a cell phone to call the police is the most important – but secondly it is great for documenting damage to BOTH vehicles. This can be useful if there is any dispute about the amount of damages to the vehicles once the claims process starts. Also if the other party confesses to being at fault, its good to get that on video/or recorder as well.

Take Notes on Everything.
From the name of the officer and his badge number, to the color of the car that was involved in the accident with you. Get as much info as you can during the accident – note any passengers names and numbers, as well as witnesses and any other info that you may think would be useful to give to your insurance company.

Keep a Garbage Bag in Your Car for your Belongings.
Just in case your vehicle is totaled, its best to gather all your belongings before your vehicle is towed off to a junk yard or storage lot. These places can make it very difficult to let you come in and get your stuff until they get paid their storage/tow fees, Sometimes this can take your insurance companies days or sometimes weeks to get everything handled and if you need a car seat, your purse, or any other item in your car its best to get it now versus later.

Get Help, THEN Call Your Insurance Company.
You don’t have to call your insurance company from the scene; get all the info you need, photos, etc and once you have talked to a police officer, been inspected by a medic, get home and once you have some time to sit down and talk , call your local insurance agent and talk to them. Most of the time they will verify some information with you and then get a claim submitted so the claims process can begin  and you can get back to business.

If you don’t have full coverage and your vehicle is totaled, you can find places that will give you cash for your damaged car!


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What to Do if Your Engine Overheats

One of the few things I hate about summer, is having an older car and being stuck in traffic. It seems like it would never fail, we would have to turn off the AC (sometimes turn on the heat – yuck!). But it’s important to know what other steps to take in case your engine starts overheating not only to protect your car, but to keep you safe as well. Here’s what you need to do if your vehicle starts overheating:

What to Do.
Pull over  as soon as it’s safe to do so – most of the time when this happens, we don’t have any tools or anything on hand to be useful in keeping the car from overheating. Depending on how bad it is, how hot it is running, and how long you’ve been driving, it may be best to just turn off the car and call a tow truck. Even once problem with an overheating engine -if bad enough – can cause permanent engine damage. As I mentioned above, you can buy a little bit of time by  turning the heat on full blast which will provide some additional cooling through the heater core; but the best way to cool down an engine – is to shut it down.

If there is any steam coming out of your hood DO NOT OPEN THE HOOD! It can take 30 minutes for a hot engine to cool down, and the heat can be hot enough to burn you. Also make sure you NEVER open the radiator cap while the engine is hot – hot coolant can cause severe burns.

                                               This post is sponsored by Fullerton.


Warning Signs.
You don’t have to wait until the steam is coming out of the hood to realize your car is having problems –  my biggest tip would be to keep your eye on the temperature gauge. You can see an overheating problem starting if the temp gauge is running hotter than normal.

IF the temperature warning light comes on though – the problem is probably pretty serious. Or if you have a sudden burst of steam which usually means the radiator hose has blown. Do NOT continue driving if that happens; pull over right away, and call for assistance.

Preventative Measures.

The most common culprit of an overheated engine is low coolant in the engine. So making sure you do a regular vehicle maintenance check is a good idea. You can do a quick check by looking at the plastic tank under the hood, and making sure the coolant is at least at the minimum level mark. Make it a habit to check, and regularly top it off.

Some cars overheat for no reason however – so make sure that you follow a maintenance schedule from your vehicles manufacturer. The older the  vehicle the more likely is it to need maintenance , from replacing old coolant or worn belts, or hoses that can leak or cause a water pump to not operate properly.

Most engine coolant will last about 100,000 miles but older and higher mileage vehicles should have the radiator coolant checked and belts and hoses swapped out.

It is hard to predict when a car is going to overheat, but keeping up preventative measures and knowing what to do if it was to happen to your car – and may help you avoid some expensive repairs down the road.


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