Even Short Term Use Can Be Fatal -3 Most Important Things to Remember About Opioid Addiction

Even Short Term Use Can Be Fatal: 3 Most Important Things to Remember About Opioid Addiction

Addiction destroys many lives, and the addict is affected but so is everyone who loves him. Sadly, a person may become addicted after only one use. If you have a loved one who is suffering from opioid addiction, what are the three most important things you should know?

Help is Available

Individuals should not give up on a loved one who is addicted to opioids or opiates. Addiction is treatable, and loved ones need to compare all program options to find the one that best meets the needs of the addict. Many complementary and traditional therapies ensure each addict can obtain the help needed to address the underlying causes of the addiction and put him on the path to recovery. Additionally, the treatment program helps the addict develop coping skills to handle cravings, stress, setbacks, and negative emotions. He learns a healthy way to think and behave when overcoming the addiction. Learn more about the services from Harris House and whether they would be right for your loved ones.

Opioids or Opiates

People often use the terms opioid and opiate interchangeably. However, differences exist between the two and individuals need to use the correct term when discussing addiction. Opioids derive from plants, specifically a poppy plant. When the plant is harvested, men and women take the dried remains and make opium, heroin, and morphine as they have been doing for thousands of years now. In fact, humans were using opioids for medicinal purposes as far back as 3400 BC.

In contrast, opiates come from a laboratory and are a synthetic version of naturally occurring opioids. These substances fall under the category of prescription drugs with two common ones being fentanyl and OxyContin. When speaking of addiction to narcotics, however, individuals typically use the two terms interchangeably, as addicts don’t care which form they consume so long as they get the desired high.

The correct term would be of help when determining what a person had consumed, as prescription drugs are carefully monitored by government entities. Drugs purchased on the street may have other substances mixed in with the opioid, and this could be of importance in helping the addict especially in the event of an overdose.  


Millions of Americans suffer from an opioid use disorder. This includes those addicted to Vicodin, OxyContin, and other prescription painkillers as well as those addicted to heroin. These individuals are both addicted to the substance and dependent on it. Quite a few assume those two are the same, but they are not.

A dependence on the drug means the person experiences withdrawal symptoms when they quit using the substance. This dependence occurs because of changes in the brain. These changes are the result of the brain attempting to compensate for the presence of this substance. When these changes occur, the person develops a tolerance to the drug, and more is needed to produce the desired effects. If the drug is removed, withdrawal symptoms occur as normal brain function rebounds.

Addiction, on the other hand, occurs when the person cannot stop using the substance of choice regardless of the consequences of using it. Addicts often try to quit only to discover they can’t. Some succeed for a short period of time only to return to using the substance. Addiction is the result of chemical changes in the brain and changes to the physical structures in this organ. These alterations bring about dysfunctional thinking patterns and compulsive behaviors.

While addiction is devastating, it is treatable. It’s a matter of finding the right program for the addict. If one doesn’t work, don’t give up. Keep trying, as the addict deserves a happy, healthy life He may need help to achieve this goal, so keep pursuing forward until recovery is within reach. 

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9 Valuable Lessons you Can Learn From an NLP Practitioner

For starters, an NLP practitioner is a coach who assists one in expanding their beliefs about themselves and, in turn, helps them come out of their comfort zone. With help from this type of practitioner, one can be capable of overcoming setbacks in life and, as a result, lead a happier, more successful life overall.

There are generally many things an NLP practitioner can teach us, including the following.


  • Nothing is Permanent.


We tend to think situations and difficult emotions are here to stay. In reality, NLP practitioners would tell us that nothing is permanent and that some things need to be let go if we are to make changes to our lives.


  • You Have the Power Within You to Change.


We might think we aren’t capable. However, NLP practitioners would say that each person has power within them to make adjustments in their life. Sometimes, though, it takes a bit of work to get a person to find and use that power.


  • Comfort Zones Don’t Take Us Anywhere.


Comfort zones feel nice, which is why they’re called comfort zones. We all have them. Sadly, they only seem to hinder our ability to yearn for greater things in life. That’s why NLP coaches push their clients to go beyond their limits.


  • Struggles Are Nothing More Than Challenges We Have Yet to Conquer.


All of us face struggles every now and then. Some of us naturally get through them like a champ. Others of us view them as roadblocks that we’ll never be able to hurdle over. But if you truly want to conquer them, you have to view them as temporary challenges, not permanent obstructions.


  • Black-and-White Thinking Prohibits Change.


How can one expect to change if they think of themselves and their life with a very all-or-nothing attitude? To think in this manner makes one more resistant and hesitant to change.


  • A More Satisfying Life Comes With Transformations.


When you’re feeling stuck or stagnant, it’s difficult to feel like you’re living a life full of satisfaction and significance. An NLP practitioner, though, can help push you towards transforming yourself inside and out so that you can live that life you’ve always wanted. 


  • Communication is Everything.


The way you communicate with yourself and others can have a big impact on how you achieve your goals in life, overcome setbacks, and confront failure. Negative thoughts and communication patterns will never bring success. On the flip side, positive thoughts and communication patterns bring change and solutions.


  • You Can’t Expect Change if You Aren’t Dedicated to Change.


We all want change to happen in our lives, but we fear change at the same time. And we fear the work that change requires even more. But part of all transformation journeys involves being persistent and dedicated.


  • Everyone Has Potential.


People like to tell others that they have no potential, that they won’t get anywhere in life, or that they won’t change. An NLP practitioner would tell you different: they do have that potential; we all do. But it will take drive to put that potential to work.

Are you interested in becoming an NLP practitioner yourself? You can start by taking an online NLP practitioner certification course today.


We all deal with struggles in life, many of which are caused or exacerbated by mental blockages. That’s where an NLP practitioner comes in. With their expertise coaching, clients can change how they think and perceive to help them lead towards a more fulfilling life in general.

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Parenting Your Child With Additional Needs During A Pandemic

As a recent study shows, parenting during a pandemic presents additional concerns for  those of children with additional needs. As well as perhaps trying to cover educational materials, you may also be concerned with filling the roles that speech therapists, physical therapists, and other professional caregivers may usually hold in your child’s life. The good news is that for many children with additional needs,  home schooling can be hugely beneficial, but for parents, keeping everything else covered will mean being focused on your priorities and knowing where to tap into online support.
Meeting your child’s physical needs
Around  1 in 6 children in Ohio has a documented additional need; these are most commonly speech and language related, but also include a need for physical therapy to aid movement, build strength and improve flexibility. Of course, you will know your own child best, and hopefully you will have access to their usual team online or via organizations (in Ohio, for example, it would be OCALI), but if you’re in any doubt at all, ensuring that these areas of therapy are prioritized is a great place to start. Even conditions with a variety of causes and behaviors – there are, for example, several  different types of cerebral palsy – can respond well to regular motor skills practice, speech therapy and muscle building exercises.

Building positive mental health
The latest CDC data shows that  7% of children have diagnosed anxiety. Children with additional needs may find the current global situation more unsettling and anxiety-inducing than others, so as a parent, your goal should be to equip your child with techniques to express their feelings, help them to find things to be positive about, and let them know it’s okay to not be okay. Perhaps you could find an artistic outlet together, such as painting, drawing or even making up little poems, or encourage each other to think of small everyday things you can be thankful for.

Take some time

As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty jug, so make sure that you are also finding a little time to look after your own needs too.  Whether it’s an early morning walk, a late evening bath, or a short podcast at lunchtime while your child naps or watches a cartoon, be kind to yourself. You’re parenting at an extraordinary time.
Many parents all over the world are juggling work, home schooling and the day to day stuff like laundry, grocery shopping and food prep.  If your child has additional needs, you may also be trying to play the part of their speech or physical therapist too. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support – many professionals have now adapted to offer help online – and remember to give yourself a break where you can.
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3 Ways to Keep Positive During Quarantine

What day is it again? Lately, it seems like each passing day is blending together with all the others. We’re all going to bed later and sleeping in, too. And that can leave us all feeling not like ourselves. What we’re missing might just be that daily routine — and there are countless upsides to maintaining one.

In fact, research shows that daily routines offer positive benefits, such as increased productivity and creativity, as well as alleviated anxiety and stress levels, something we could all use these days. While it’s not always easy to snap into a routine, these simple tips can help you reclaim your days — and be more productive, too.

1. Limit Morning Usage of Your Smartphone

We all do it. Our alarms wake us up, and we immediately check our smartphones. At first glance, checking your inbox, the news or social media first thing in the morning might not seem like such a bad thing, but new research shows quite the contrary. A study that included people in their 20s conducted by Sweden’s University of Gothenburg shows that high smartphone usage is linked to higher reports of depression in both men and women. 

When you constantly check your smartphone, your apps are vying for your attention, which can disrupt your attention and focus and make it impossible to begin your day calmly, ultimately leading to anxiety and stress. When you check your smartphone first thing in the morning, you’re also setting the tone for a distracted day. And you’re losing time, too. What begins as a five-minute check can turn into a 15- or 30-minute scroll session.

There are several popular methods to help you become less dependent and distracted by your smartphone in the morning. First, try putting it on airplane mode at night. When you wake up in the morning, you won’t be bombarded with notifications that you feel obligated to answer. Replacement activities, such as morning meditation, exercising or journaling, can also help you take back your mornings.

2. Get Dressed Every Morning 

Sure, it’s tempting to stay in loungewear all day, especially when working from home. But experts say there are benefits to getting ready each day. In fact, the simple act of getting dressed is directly related to your mental health. Plus, getting dressed in the morning impacts your mood and can boost your levels of optimism, productivity and motivation. 

Experts say neurotransmitters in our brains, including serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and norepinephrine, ignite a sense of purpose and boost our mental state when we get dressed as part of a daily routine. Bottom line: Make your morning routine something you’re excited about. Try new styles or new outfits that you wouldn’t normally wear to feel good and boost your mood.

3. Establish Healthy Eating Habits

Snacking and grazing more than usual? You’re not alone. If you find yourself snacking more throughout the day, it might just be because you’re not filling up at regular mealtimes. Besides plant-based fats, enjoying half a plate of non-starchy vegetables and plenty of protein can help keep your hunger at bay throughout the day. Additionally, setting time aside to cook each day also provides health benefits.

Get Ready to Reclaim Your Livelihood 

If you’re searching for ways to keep positive and productive, the answer might just be establishing and maintaining a daily routine. From intentionally limiting your smartphone usage in the morning and getting dressed each day to cooking healthy meals regularly, these daily routines can improve your outlook and overall well-being. So, get ready to reclaim your life and livelihood.

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Flea and Anxiety Prevention Dog Treats

We have been slowly working on becoming a toxic free household; now that I’m getting the hang of things with my family, I have started to look at ways to detoxify my pets life as well. The biggest 2 I have been working on is food (which I will have some post coming about homemade doggie food!) and flea meds. So I did some research and found some great info on natural solutions – like did you know both brewers yeast and coconut oil work to keep your pup protected from fleas??

Brewers yeast is known to support good digestive health and aid in controlling diarrhea. It’s also rich in antioxidants which can help make your dog’s skin healthier and shiner! Not only does it help repel fleas, but it does help your dog if they suffer from itchy,dry skin.

100% natural, human-grade coconut oil acts as an effective flea and tick repellent due to the lauric acid in the oil, it can repel and kill flea and ticks on contact. It also helps moisturize their skin and kills yeast, so it has many benefits!


On top of flea prevention, I have looked into anxiety as well; my little pup gets super anxious very easily, especially around loud noises – and 4th of July is just around the corner (and Ohio now allows full blown firework shows from your own backyard, ANNDD no time restrictions, so..) I have been using essential oils myself for a few months now, and have had great benefits from their use. Lavender essential oil is known for its calming effects, and can be given internally, or used for aromatherapy. Not only is is great for anxiety but it has a lot of other great benefits as well – it can help sooth irritated skin, and prevent infections. It has antibacterial, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties. Reduces inflammation in joints and wounds, fights germs and promotes healing, takes the sting out of bites and burns, and yes lavender also helps ward off fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other bugs!

Another great oil for your pup is frankincense essential oil. Studies show that frankincense reduces inflammation and pain, strengthens the immune system, ease gastrointestinal discomfort, and works as an anti-depressant and has a calming effect – so its not only great for you, but for your dog as well.

So with all this great info, we were able to concoct a great treat that is overall great for our pups health. We know dogs can safely inhale and ingest lavender and frankincense, but you should make sure to start them on low doses to gauge their reaction – also please be sure to use pure essential oils only, like Doterra. (some other brands are not safe to ingest, and you need to use caution when buying other brands). With this recipe you can start off with 1 drop of each oil, and work your way up to 3 each for the recipe.

1 cup & 2 tbsp of 100% pure organic coconut oil
1/2 cup Brewer’s yeast
silicone paw (or bone) pans
Lavender Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
OPTIONAL: you can also use chicken or beef granulated bouillon for flavor
*(I switch mine up so that she doesn’t get sick of the same flavor. You can make them without it for a sweeter coconut flavor, or add the bouillon for a meatier flavor – a small spoonful should suffice)
Condiment bottle (for easier transfer into your silicone pans, its less messy that way)


Combine melted coconut, brewers yeast,essential oils and (optional) bouillon for approx 20 seconds, or until smooth

Pour blended mixture into condiment bottle, tighten lid and shake

Fill silicone pans (should do approx 2 or 2 1/2 pans , depending on size)

Chill or freeze until solid

Remove from pan and store in air tight container in refrigerator or freezer (can store up to 6 months)

With the small paw print pan, you give you dog 1 per 10 lbs every day. (so for example, a 3o lb dog will get 3 of these treats, OR if you use a bigger paw print you can use 1). If your dog is super small (under 10 lbs) give 1/2 treat, OR a full treat every other day.







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