5 Doctor Recommended Ways to Put the Spring in Your Step

This post is not a health care professional’s opinion, all opinions are my own.

Spring is in the air it’s time for us to come out of hibernation and the snow, out of the cold and the snow, and into the sun and out of the snow (can you tell I’m over the snow?!)! But along with the joys of Spring, comes the reality of the weight gain and unhealthy habits we’ve acquired over the months of being stuck indoors.This year in particular has been extra rough to those of us in the ‘winter’ states. Spring comes with a teaser, only to hide it’s head and allow winter to continue to keep us in a state of hibernation – and along with that, sickness, slothfulness, and just plain grumpiness. Because this physique and wellness neglect is fairly universal in cold-weather climates, spring-time presents a fresh start like a new year to those of us who have fell into the trap and neglect of the ‘winter hibernation.’ So to help you (and me) find our way back, I’ve found the top 5 Doctor recommended ways to put the Spring back into Your Step this Spring.

  1. Exercise & Healthy Eating
    You knew I was going to say it – exercise and eating healthy are key to putting that ‘spring’ in your step. Regular exercise and the consumption of a healthy diet can lead to a host of benefits, including increased energy, happiness, health and even a long life. Exercise and diet are necessary to determining a person’s overall health, and making them both part of your lifestyle can make a dramatic difference in how you look and feel – especially after a few long months of hibernation!
  2. Get the Right Amount of ZZZ’s
    Where it seems that most people are struggling to get enough sleep, the problem of sleeping too much may not seem like much of a problem at all. Yet prolonged sleep is associated with many of the same health problems as insufficient sleep. Depression can be a factor of not enough or too much sleep. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as “winter depression,” is one type of depression. SAD is believed to be influenced by the changing patterns of light and darkness that occur with the approach of winter. Circadian rhythms are regulated by the body’s internal clock and by exposure to sunshine. When the days get shorter in autumn, circadian rhythms may become de-synchronized and trigger depression.
  3. Be Social, and ENJOY IT
    It’s tempting to stay home and continue to hibernate, but you’re missing out on a key component of cheer. Social interaction (the face-to-face kind – Not Facebook!) is one of the best ways to fight depression. Put a couple of social activities on your calendar each week and make sure to stick to your plans. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you interact and enjoy life – friendship and laughter can be some of the best medicines!
  4. Get a Hobby
    There’s no time like Spring to start a new hobby or a project. Start with decluttering the house or having a yard sale. My husband recently got into off-roading and purchased an old Jeep to work on. Not only did it help distract him from his problems and was an outlet for stress, but it’s provided him with a sense of accomplishment that he’s desperately needed. Projects like organizing bookshelves, starting a garden, and cleaning out the garage are perfect activities to help you get a spring in your step.

5.Take Probiotics for Health & Wellness
Probiotics are good bacteria that may help promote digestive system balance, even gastroenterologists recommend probiotics to their patients.Lifestyle factors such as diet and stress may affect the composition of the microbiota. To make matters worse, as you get older, the number of good bacteria, especially bifidobacteria may decrease. Probiotics, such as the ones in insync, may help support gastrointestinal health.

One of the best things about  Insync Probiotics it is that it has B. infantis, which is doctor recommended. It even has GI Guard® Technology so the good bacteria can make it in to your stomach alive. With having digestive problems myself I know that probiotics are necessary to maintain balance and avoid any GI issues. I take mine with a multi-vitamin daily to keep me as healthy as possible.

Do you currently take a #NaturalProbiotic? Why or why not?


View Comments

  • I think getting a good nights sleep is really important and so many people don't realize how much getting the proper amount of rest can effect you in a positive way.

  • we've done probiotics for years but i've had to kick it up a notch lately. i've had 3 bouts of strep back to back and my insides are all out of whack :(

  • I keep reading about the benefits of probiotics and how important they are to your health. I think you have convinced me to try them out!

  • Eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep sound easy, don't they? I've had trouble with all three recently, so I know that I need to work on some things. Thanks for these doctor's tips for getting and staying healthy!

  • I have never taken a probiotic, but I keep hearing about how beneficial they are. I have been upping my diet and exercise, so maybe this is a step in the right direction for me too!

  • I haven't ever taken any of these before, but I can see how they could be helpful. I know many who swear by probiotics!

  • These are all great ways to keep that Spring in your step! I haven't tried Insync yet, but I do take a probiotic. I like the idea that they are natural. #client

  • I feel so much better when I exercise and eat right and get enough sleep. I haven't tried a probiotic yet.

  • Ok well I need to work on all of these! I am slacking off on my exercise and have been going to bed so late. Never tried a probiotic yet, have to check these out.

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