If you are short on cash and you are going through a divorce, you are going to want to look for a family lawyer that you can actually afford. This might be difficult when you don’t have a lot of money in the bank and you are struggling to take care of your expenses while you are waiting for the divorce to go through. If you don’t have the money to pay for legal help, there are plenty of resources that you can take advantage of that will give you discounted, or even free, legal help. Read on to learn some of the methods you can use to find an affordable family lawyer.
Determine Why You Need A Family Lawyer
There are many reasons why you might need a family lawyer. You could need a lawyer to help you with child custody issues. You might need a lawyer to help you get the child support you need to take care of your family better. Going through a divorce is already hard and it is even more difficult when you have kids involved. You want to do what is best for your kids and it is important that you take care of your kids and that they have the money they need to keep their same standard of living. A family lawyer is going to help you with any divorce issues or family issues and they are there to represent you in the divorce.
Set Up Free Consultations Local Family Lawyer
You don’t actually have to pay the lawyer until you sign a contract. The first visit is always going to be free. This gives you a chance to sit down and talk with the lawyer about your issues. During the meeting you will learn how much the lawyer’s services are going to cost. You might be able to work out a deal with the lawyer if you find one you really like.
Many lawyers offer sliding scale services that they don’t advertise and the only way you can find out about any discounts the lawyer offers is if you meet with the lawyer in person. The lawyer might also offer other discounts or be willing to work something out with you so get the legal help you need.
Look For A Pro Bono Lawyer
A pro bono lawyer provides family law services for free. As long as you can prove that you are in need, you can get the legal help you need at no cost. Many family lawyers offer pro bono work and you can find these lawyers online or through local non-profit groups. You have to be prepared to submit proof of income, so the lawyer knows for sure that you cannot afford the legal fees.
Many large law firms have lawyers that do pro bono work on staff. You can perform a search online for these lawyers and get a free family law consultation over the phone. You can also visit your local bar association to find lawyers who do pro bono work. A pro bono lawyer is going to help you with all of your family law needs and you won’t need to pay any money. If you are truly low-income and can prove it, a pro bono lawyer is a great option when you need a family lawyer.
Visit A Legal Aid Clinic
If you are low-income, visiting a legal aid clinic is a great place to start. The legal aid clinic can match you with a family lawyer that can work with your income. They have a network of lawyers that they work with and you can get free advice or find a lawyer to represent you at a huge discount. The legal aid clinic can help you with a wide variety of legal needs and they are a great resource to take advantage of when you need legal help.
The legal aid clinic should be the first place you start when you are looking for legal help. You can find your local legal aid clinic by doing an online search and making an appointment at your local clinic. You just have to let the legal aid clinic know what type of legal help you need, and they will be able to help you with just about anything that you need.
Visit Your Local Law School
Another option you might consider is visiting your local law school for help. Many law schools have reduced cost clinics. These clinics help students get experience and they can give you legal help for a reduced cost. The students are going to be supervised by experienced law professors, so you will have peace of mind knowing that you are going to get quality help.
Everything that the student does is going to be reviewed by an experienced lawyer and everything is going to be done correctly so you don’t have to worry about mistakes. If you are willing to try something different, using a law school clinic could be a great idea because you can get some excellent legal help this way. The price is going to very affordable and you can get quality family law help for a low price.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get quality legal help. If you are short on cash, you can still get the legal help you need. If your income is low enough you can get free legal help if you use a pro bono lawyer. Otherwise, you can look for lawyers who can give you discounted rates on your family law needs.
If you are going through a divorce it is very important that you get legal help because divorces are complex, especially when you have kids. You need to make sure that you are getting the right amount of child support and you want to make sure that your kids are going to be getting what they need and what is best for them after the divorce. Divorce is hard on kids and you have to keep their needs in mind during the proceedings.
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